Chapter 1-The King and the Slave

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Wanted-The Dark Kingdom

Chapter 1-The King and the Slave

5 years later...

The darkness lingers in the shadows of the deepest parts of our soul, waiting to strike. To take over. To seize all that makes us kind or innocent. All that makes us pure. But I've come to the realization, a long time ago, that the darkness is a choice. The darkness is not what we actually think of it, it's what we choose to make of it. I've also learned that no soul is pure, because darkness lives in it. For a soul to be pure, one would have to cleanse themselves of all that is evil and wrong, but that is simply not of human possibility. Why? Because the light alone, the pure, is wrong. The day I lost everything was the day I learned the most important lesson in my life: the light can be blinding. The light of innocence can be manipulative. At least the darkness was honest and true, it didn't hide its flaws. Unlike the light, darkness won't blind us. After time, our eyes adjust to it and then, our soul adjusts to it too. I failed to learn that day that the darkness could be peaceful and just, if not angered. Some say a balance between good and evil is needed, but no. Darkness alone is enough, but only once we understand its true beauty. But the most important lesson I learned that day was that if you make an enemy of the darkness, it would engulf you whole and it would shower you with all that you fear. But if you make a friend out of the darkness, if you choose to look at it differently, it could be your salvation.

Annabeth Chase's Diary Page 242


For the third time that week, Annabeth Chase had to stand and watch as another was dragged to the foot of the dais and whipped to death. However, they deserved it. The king's law was simple: Welcome death, meaning commit a murder, and you will be greeted with it, meaning you will face the same fate. Nevertheless, Annabeth hated standing in the corner of the throne room, watching in silence as blood colored the ground and the screams shook the ancient grand walls. But Annabeth was in no position or rank to complain, wherever the king went, she followed, abiding his every wish and command. After all, Annabeth was a slave. The chains that she had worn for the past five years on her wrists was an enough indication. But it was also a reminder, that she would always be caged, that what she lost that day will remain lost, including herself.

Annabeth continued to watch in silence as the hour ticked by, standing beside the dais in the corner. The king motioned for her to fill him a cup of wine and she obeyed, instantly moving her feet towards the small table beside the throne. Her chains rattled as she moved, intertwining with the murder's screams of agony. Annabeth didn't know if it was all in her head, but she could feel everyone's eyes turn to her, the king, the killer and the Upper Guards. 

As she poured the wine, her stormy eyes watched in silence as the red liquid splashed on the glass. It reminded her of blood. Visions and memories of the battle filled her mind and she could feel herself zoning out, the sights and sounds of her surroundings dissolving before her, Annabeth could only see the bodies of her army that littered the Earth that day. Maybe, she could've stopped it that day, made sure no blood was shed. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe-focus, she told herself. Slowly, she inhaled and exhaled deeply until she could make out the throne room and the sounds of the killer's screams echoed through her body again.

Annabeth set the bottle of wine on the table and with a full glass of it in her hand, she whispered. "Majesty?" Percy Jackson turned his attention to his former lover and Annabeth had to stop herself from starring. She had to stop herself from starring at the beauty yet horror that he had become.

His green eyes, with a swirl of black, were unnatural yet vibrant as ever. They were stunning. Even after so many years, his black hair was still messy but he had dyed in streaks of dark blue in it. It would only show in the sun, but it suited him. Annabeth's eyes travelled to the tattoo on his arm, he had gotten it after he took the throne. It was a black trident, on fire. Back then, Annabeth thought it was terrifying, he had gotten it as a reminder of what he had done to the Olympians. But now, she didn't mind looking at it. As usual, his skin was tanned and he wore a black shirt with a low V-neck, leaving a part of his muscled chest exposed.

He didn't even bat her an eye, he just grabbed the drink and focused ahead. Annabeth bowed and retreated to the corner. A few minutes later, but what seemed like forever, the killer's body stopped shaking and the guards pulled it away. He was dead. Annabeth tried not to look at the pools of blood that stained the floor, she didn't want to think about the fact that she would have to mop it. For the third time that week.

"Anyone else willing to entertain me today?" The king said, addressing his Upper Guards. Vincent, unfortunately alive and ugly as ever, bowed and said. "No, my king."

"Did you deal with what I asked you to?" The king asked, propping his head on his palm, clearly bored. Vincent shook his head. "We're still trying to figure it out. Those who witness the murder take place describe the killer as losing all sense of control. Like a hungry animal. I don't know what's causing some of your subjects to go nuts and kill whoever is in front of them...yet." The king's eyes darkened and Annabeth prepared herself to clean more pools of blood but the darkness in Percy's eyes suddenly faded. "That's the third kill this week. And the eleventh this month. Figure it out, all of you. I'm running out of patience. Or else, I'll have you whipped publicly."

Vincent paled completely while Percy reclined his head to the side, with a smirk. "Now that's a sight I would want to see." Couldn't agree more myself, Annabeth told herself. Vincent, followed by the Upper Guards, bowed again but lower this time. "We won't disappoint." The king nodded and shooed them away. They were out of the throne room within seconds.

Now it was only her, Percy and a couple of guards. And Percy was bored. That only meant on thing: she would be his entertainment. He turned his head towards her and said, "go get a mop and clean that bloody mess. Haven't you learned already?" There was no kindness in his voice, nothing at all. "Sorry. It won't happen again." Annabeth left the throne room and returned a few minutes later with a mop and a bucket of water. She began to mop the floor as he watched her. He was probably deciding how to torment her next. He had become creative with that, in the past five years, nothing surprised her anymore.

He stood from his throne and descended the steps, halting right in front of her. "You might as well clean this up." He then poured all the remaining wine from his glass on the floor and when he was done, he dropped the glass. Annabeth watched as the glass shattered into a million pieces and scattered across the floor. "You know where to find me when you're done. Don't make me wait.

Annabeth nodded and bowed, "as you wish."

He pushed at her chin, making her look at him. "How many times have I told you sweetheart, I like to see you kneeling. That's what slaves do." Annabeth gulped and knelt, the blood and the wine staining her knees. "That's better." She watched as his black boots, that she had polished this morning, disappearing from her line of sight. And when he was gone, with the guards trailing behind him, Annabeth let her tears takeover.

This is the first chapter of the sequel to Wanted: Wanted-The Dark Kingdom. Make sure to go read it!!

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