Chapter 9

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If you all wouldn't mind, I would love to stay here at the Mikealson house. 

To say I was shocked would be and understatement. I couldn't believe she actually wanted to stay. My heart began to beat fast and hard. Am I excited? No....I don't know.

We all looked at her shocked. Even Nik seemed surprised. Why the hell is he surprised, wasn't this is his plan all along? I mean I don't think he actually planned for me and Jaz to start fighting, but still his plan was probably to bring her for dinner, have her meet and get to know everyone and then persuade her to stay. 

I honestly don't understand how he planned to make that conversation work with Marcel here. He made it very clear he was not going to let us keep Thalia here.

No. Thalia you're not staying. Marcel said as he walked up to her, she got up and looked up at him, no sign of her backing out any time soon.

But I w-want to. Thalia stuttered trying to keep a strong front, she was clearly not fully sure of what she was doing and she knew it, but she wasn't going to let Marcel see.

Thalia how am I supposed to protect you when you're over here. I can't be here all the time. 

And I can't be locked up in that apartment all the time....I want to stay to get to know my parents.....or whoever wants to get to know me.. Thalia said, emphasizing on wants. She's probably directing it to me. I think me and Jaz made it clear how I felt...or how I wanted everyone to think how I felt..

Then its settled. You and Thalia's deal is over and we will protect our niece from now on. Elijah said, clearly annoyed by Marcel who wanted to take Thalia back with him.

Are you sure this is what you want Thalia? Marcel looked into her eyes like if he was trying to see any doubt in her eyes. Thalia just looked up at him and smiled, Im sure that this is what I want Marcel. Thank you.

With that, Marcel looked up and looked at all of us. There are people looking for her, and they could come looking for her here. Klaus, are you sure you want to risk that danger with Hope here..?

Nik just looked up and smiled. No need to worry, we have already thought of that..she'll be safe here.

I guess this is it. Ill be seeing more of my daughter, then again I could just leave.....But something is holding me back, and I don't like it.


Its been a few hours since the whole dinner fiasco and the interrogation from Marcel. After he finished questioning me, Klaus told me they already had a room for me set up, all I need to do is go over Marcel's and get my belongings from his place, and believe me, it won't take that long. I only have my mini backpack that contains my phone, a charger, headphones, money, gum, and whatever else I can fit in there. I also have another bag, or suitcase I guess you could call it, with like 6 outfits, a few hoodies and t-shirts and 3 pairs of shoes..

Klaus told me I could go for my belongings right now and he made Kol come with me, he didn't seem too fond of the idea.

And thats where I am at now. Walking through New Orleans, which is beautiful at night may I add, with a man who I barely know that scares the shit out of me who also happens to be my father.

Marcel already left so he should be home, I hope. We continued walking and I kept looking around, the lights are so beautiful and the people are so alive! Its been a while since I've been able to enjoy something like this. I keep gazing at the beautiful scenery when someone grabs my hand and jerks me forward, I look up and see its Kol, he looks pissed.

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