Chapter 5: Kou

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"A girl with red hair?? Where? Show me!" (Y/n) demanded while shaking Yoon's shoulder.

"You go and rest!! Ik-Soo and I will handle this!" Yoon said while pushing the young empress towards the hut.

"I refuse to. I am adament on seeing who they are!" (Y/n) said in a commanding voice.

"Ugh. Fine! If you get even more injured then I'm not going to help you!" Yoon replied while running in the direction of where he found the red haired girl.

They were running and jogging for a while before they reached a place where there were many trees surrounded. (Y/n) looked around and saw an unconscious pair of people. She looked closely and it was Yona and Hak. Yona looks injured and her hair was cut unevenly. Like with a sword. Hak looks even more injured as it looks like he was fighting someone.

Ik-Soo took Hak while Yoon carried Yona. The young empress took their belongings and followed Yoon out of the forest.

Once they arrived at the hut, (Y/n) set their belongings down on the floor near them while Yoon started to tend Hak's wound. (Y/n) started to tend Yona's wound since Yoon was busy trying to let Hak not die. "Do you know them by any chance?" Yoon looked in the corner of his eye.

"Yes.." (Y/n) murmurs.

"Say, judging by your robes are you perhaps of nobility?" Yoon looked at the empress.

"Hmmm.. It's more like I forced myself to be nobility," (Y/n) paused before responding the young boy.

"What do you mean forced?"

"I'm afraid I can't reveal anymore," (Y/n) looked at Yoon. Soon a groan was heard from the Thunder Beast.

"Hey! Take it easy!"

"Where am I?" Hak said breathlessly.

"In a kind person's hut who is tending your wounds, Son Hak," (Y/n) said.

"Empress! Why are you here?" Hak questioned. "Where's the princess?"

"Princess Yona is still unconscious, but she will live. And it's a long story on how I got here.."

"Empress? Kou? Empress of Kou?" Yoon shouted.

"Ah.. yes.. I'm that empress," (Y/n) waved.

"The Bloody War Empress of Kou?"

"You don't need to be formal with me," (Y/n) laughed heartlessly. "Hak, are you feeling well?"

"I feel like dying, empress," Hak said with a straight face.

"Well you were about to die a few minutes ago," (Y/n) went over to the Thunder Beast. She ruffled his hair and laughed.

"How cold empress."

"Oh right. Was my horse found anywhere?"

"Yes. Luckily, your horse didn't suffer much. I believe your horse is healed now."

"Thank you," (Y/n) reached into her breast pocket and gave Yoon a bag of money. "Thank you for your care. If you need any help, you can find me in the Kou Kingdom. I need to go back to see how my kingdom is doing. Take care of those two." She walked out of the hut.

"Wait! You're still injured though!"

(Y/n) smiled, while the sun shined on her beautiful face. She goes closer to Yoon while Hak stared at her. (Y/n) placed her fingers on his chin and raised his head with her fingers. "I'm grateful for your concern, my little saviour. However I have things to deal with at home." She smiled again before going to mount of her horse, leaving a blushing Yoon.

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