Chapter 14: Backup

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"They're here," (Y/n) smirked. "Kouka's army."

"Yes. I can see the head of clans here as well," Mamoru said while gazing off into the distance, somehow blocking and attacking at the same time.

"Well, it's time for retaliation. The start of the second revolution," Empress (Y/n) ran her hand through her white hair. "Shall we call it Kai Empire's Downfall?"

Off at the distance, was Soo-won on a horse and his hair tied up. On either side of him were the head of the clans. Their emotions ranged from excitement to disbelief. Of course, they saw what the damage the Empress and her little soldiers had done. By this time, (Y/n)'s maids were protected by soldiers and attendants from Kouka.

The war is on.

The battle raged on as the Kai forces diminished quickly from being outnumbered once Kouka soldiers came. At last, Soo-won managed to get close to (Y/n).

"(Y/n)! Are you ok?" Soo-won quickly slashed another Kai enemy.

"Yes.. I greatly appreciate you coming and aiding me," the Empress said cooly.

"Of course... You are my fiancé after all," Soo-won smiled slightly. "I believe you entered Amaterasu's second form?"

"Yes. As expected of you to know of this," their casual conversation was not disturbed from the fighting. It was quite a sight.

Soo-won chuckled slightly. "Truthfully, I've researched on it recently. Your red eyes piqued my interest and so I dug though Kouka's library."

"Quite studious I must say. The legends are long and truthfully dry in terms of content. It's also hard to find legends about Amaterasu," (Y/n) looked at the emperor of Kouka.

"I should get to have some background knowledge about my soon-to-be wife."

"You're more dedicated than I thought," (Y/n) stopped and stabbed her sword on the concrete ground. Her gaze once again met the Emperor of Kai. "If you dare to do this kind again, then I won't hesitate to show my full power and crush Kai. I'd rather settle things in a peaceful ways. If Kai has this kind of Emperor then it won't last long." The emperor of Kai visibly gritted his teeth as he clenched his fists. The empress put her sword back into the sheathe and started to walk away as her hair returned to the purple shade it was. Her red eyes returning to normal.

"Don't you want to destroy Kai? This is your chance," Soo-won hurriedly said while tying to catch up to (Y/n).

"Kou is still during its establishing period. I don't want to ruin it by going into war right away. Much less against a well established empire such as Kai," she hopped off the arena and continued to walk, but it was stopped short as (Y/n) crouched down.

"(Y/n), what wrong?!" Soo-won immediately noticed. He continued to observe the empress until he noticed what was wrong. Without much of an expression Soo-won proceeded to carry (Y/n) bride style. "It's a bit early for me to go this, don't you think? This should be for our wedding."

"I didn't ask of your assistance," (Y/n) looked away. "But thanks anyways.."

Soo-won chuckled at the Empress's behaviour. It was quite cute for someone who is often being described as a demon. "My pleasure. To think the Empress would be so careless to injure herself.. I take it that you trust me to some degree to lower your guard down."

"No. That's far from the truth. And you don't need to know the truth," (Y/n) sighed. She placed her hand on his chest. Making him raise a brow. Gently, she pushed herself off from his grip. "Mamoru!" Immediately her right hand man appeared by her side, taking her sword and helping her walk to get treatment. Leaving Soo-won stare at her disappearing figure.

"She is really an interesting one. That's for sure," he smiled. But his smile soon faded away as soldiers and maids started to panic. In the direction that the empress just went.


Hearing the distraught cries, of maids and the surrounding people, Soo-won hurriedly went over to see what the commotion was about. What he saw next enraged him.

"Lock him up immediately! Let him live!" The young emperor's eyes darkened. "I will deal with him myself. Get treatment to the empress immediately!" His vicious glare turned to the Emperor of Kai. A murderous intent seethed out of him while looking at the royal family scampering away.

They were not going to get away with this.

But his first priority was the empress. His fiancé. The special person who he is going to spend the rest of his time with. Soo-won isn't going to let her die. With that dagger impaled in her chest.

"How is her condition?" Soo-won asked smoothly while being laced with coldness.

"W-we stopped the bleeding... But she has developed a fever.." the doctor explained.

"This sword..." Mamoru picked up the dagger. "This isn't good."

"Care to elaborate?"

"If you look carefully, this dagger is special. It also has the mark of King Hiryuu," Mamoru pointed at the faint engraving. "There was a darker side of the Amaterasu and Hiryuu history if you dig deep enough." Soo-won's dark gaze remained the same.

"I've only read about it a little, but didn't it go something such as Amaterasu darker powers were awakened by an unknown force, making her unable to control herself? As a result of that, Hiryuu and his dragons created a dagger that around expel the darkness from Amaterasu. Thus killing her in the process.... And you are saying that the dagger is the one from before?"

"Precisely," the two males turned to look at the heavily breathing figure of (Y/n).

"Which means Empress (Y/n)'s life is in danger."

"Then how can we save her?" Soo-won's voice became more aggravated by each moment.

"I don't know yet... I need to read more..."

"We need to hurry then."


"Hak... something is lighting up," Yona pointed at the glowing part of Hak's clothing.

"Eh? Princess is right. Isn't that where you put the pendant the empress gave you?" Kija crossed his arms whirl putting one hand on his chin.

"Yeah," Hak reached to his pocket and took out the glistening pendant. It was glowing black.

"Hak, what does this mean?" Yona asked.

"I'm not sure. The Empress didn't tell me the meaning of other colours," he gripped the pendant harder.

"But darkness can't symbolize something good," Yoon commented. His eyes narrowed. "I have a bad feeling." (Mama instincts--)

"I can sense another dragon..." Kija looked in a certain direction. "It's close."

"Let's meet the second dragon then go back to the Empress then!"

A/n: I'm sorry I updated so late!!.°(д)°. But I had stuff going on so I couldn't finish this chapter!! And this chapter is quite crappy in my opinion... Once again I'm sorry!!

Hopefully I would be above to update on time next time.


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