Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10

We walked for days in search of the mythical Raven, who supposedly knew more about vampires and the rise and fall of our world than anyone. A mythical man who gave orders that everyone followed. For those two days I welcomed the movement. Walking made it easier to deal with the graves we had left behind. Made it easier to forget that Jimmy wasn't with us. Easier to realize it was only Kelly, Tony, Will, Thane, and me left. We stopped only to sleep, taking turns to keep watch. But we didn't stop for long. None of us wanted to spend too much time at rest. When we paused, the memories came flooding back.

"Today is Sunday," Kelly whispered next to me as we trudged up yet another forested hill.

She didn't need to say more. I understood which Sunday she meant. The first Sunday of the month. The day when everything would change for those unlucky few who were chosen. Sunday, a month ago, I'd been picked.


Perhaps Tom would be chosen. Maybe my sister. Dead by tomorrow. I shoved the thought aside, closing that door tightly. I couldn't think about what would happen. I was already close to tumbling back into that dark pit, constantly on the precipice of madness. It would drive me over the edge.

"We don't ever say a word," she continued, plucking a needle from a fir tree as we followed a deer trail. "But we know. We always know."

And I had a feeling I would know for the rest of my life. A life that would be a constant struggle. This war against the beautiful ones wasn't so we could have a better life, it was a battle for life. A fight to survive. Pure and simple. Kill or be eaten.

The ground sloped gently uphill and we followed the path, weaving our way around bushes with biting thorns, barely noticing when they pierced our jacket sleeves and scratched our arms. A cool breeze raced through the trees, rattling the branches above as the sky in the distance threatened storms.

The ground had been slick with pine needles, but my footsteps were sure. Funny how my body was getting stronger, yet it seemed as if my mind had only grown weaker since Jim's death. I wasn't even sure if I was still human any longer. I certainly didn't have the emotions I'd had back at the compound. It was like I floated through life, not really feeling anything.

"How long have you been out here?" I asked Kelly, as I swiped away a cobweb that clung to my face. "On the run?"

She shifted her bag from her back to her shoulder and ducked under a low-hanging branch. "Don't know. I suppose about three years now."

I followed her, ducking low. She hadn't seemed much older than me, but now I wondered about her age. For three years she'd been out here. How many had she seen murdered? Had she ever once thought about helping her family and friends back at her compound, or did she assume they were dead?

"And Thane?" I glanced at the man who walked ahead with Will and Tony. They only spoke to make plans, walking most of the time in watchful silence. "He saved you?"

She nodded. "Yep. Same as everyone else. I took the bait, I read the books."

"What about Tony?" The guy had been glaring daggers at me ever since the attack at the camp. "No offense, but I can't imagine him reading much."

We started up yet another hill. The air had changed somehow as we'd been walking. I'd noticed it this morning, although hadn't been able to put my finger on what exactly it was that had changed. It was cleaner, yet more humid, with a scent that I couldn't identify. Rain, perhaps? I glanced warily at the dark clouds on the horizon.

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