Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14

Thane wouldn't let Grandfather give me the injection. And considering I wasn't quite sure if he was crazy or not, I didn't argue. We would wait, he had insisted. I wasn't sure what we were waiting for and I realized that there might come a time when I would be forced to take the serum, but I trusted his instincts, and more importantly, I trusted mine.

And although I hadn't gotten the "miracle cure," as grandfather called it, I felt safe there on that island, where my grandfather had lived in peace. Safe for days as Thane and I rested, waiting, while Grandfather went over his serum again and again, testing it on various wild animals, and even himself, to make sure it wouldn't kill humans.

But I knew the safety was an illusion and Thane was right, in this world we should be very leery of any cure that seemed too good to be true. And so we would wait some more. And a part of me, that selfish part, didn't mind waiting. I liked it here.

I waded out into the water up to my thighs, staring at the area where I knew the mainland was located. Out there, somewhere, but it was too cloudy to see. Was Will still alive? Did Kelly still live? Tony? Or had one of them led the others into a trap?

I brushed my hands over the surface of the water, watching the ripples move out toward the shore and wondered if those tiny waves might make it to the mainland. Kelly had never taught me to swim. Probably never would. Not her death, not even her possible betrayal could bring me to tears. I didn't cry anymore. I couldn't. My emotions had dried up and at times I wondered if I was still human. Even seeing the books in Grandfather's house didn't thrill me like they would have two months ago. Yes, I'd desperately wanted to read them, but merely to gain knowledge that might defeat the beautiful ones. Not for pleasure.

I sank into the water, letting the cool waves reach my shoulders. This, though, felt as close to bliss as I supposed I would ever feel again. I could admit that much. I didn't even mind the salt water that occasionally splashed into my mouth, tasting bitter and tangy. The water cleaned my body, the smooth pebbles on the bottom massaged my feet and the cold numbed the aches and pains.

But my moment didn't last long. I heard the snap of a branch and spun around to face the land. Thane stood on the shore, casually watching me. I found it somewhat amusing that he made noise to warn me whenever he approached, when he could have walked quietly by and I wouldn't have noticed. Amusing and yes, somewhat endearing.

"Swimming or trying to escape?"

I flushed. "Swimming. Well, trying. I don't really know how."

He pulled his shirt over his head.

Startled, I stiffened. I wore my underwear and shirt but I still felt underdressed with him near. I'd never been this embarrassed around Will. What was it about Thane that made me feel like a bumbling fool? "What are you doing?"

"Same as you. Swimming."

I spun around, giving my back to him as he reached for the waistband of his trousers. "I sort of wanted to be alone."

"Being alone is dangerous."

"We're on an island."

I could hear him move into the water, the gentle splash of the waves against his body. "Never let your guard down, Jane."

I watched him from the corner of my eye as he dove into the water and swam out, a blur of a man underneath the surface, like one of the mere-folk I'd read about in a book. He stood some distance away and raked his wet hair back from his face. I tried not to stare, but he was truly stunning. Even the scars didn't take away from his fine features, and for some reason the water made his eyes look even bluer.

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