day one

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a/n: please don't be a silent reader, i would really love feedback, thanks. and if you do like my story, drop a comment or even a vote if you want C:

||DAY 1

The day Lana was reborn, unbeknownst to her, it was in complete darkness.

As she opened her eyes, expecting the soft glow of the morning sun, or the harsh light of her bedside table, all she was met with was full and utter blackness.

Her mind didn't prove to be much help either. She could barely remember anything except from the hazy glow of a dream-like state, and when she tried to think of anything before it, she could only draw up blanks. It was as though her mind had been dunked in a warm soapy bath, and any remnants of the last few days, months, years- she had no idea- had drifted away into the water.

But whatever had happened, Lana couldn't stop the prickling feeling of fear crawl against her skin.

She squeezed her eyes shut, as if it would make the disorientation go away.

The minutes ticked past.

As her heavy eyes fluttered open more, she was only faced with more darkness. Well, this time, it was almost complete darkness. There was just enough light flooding in from some sort of window to illuminate her legs- and the fact that they were tied to a bedpost.

She jerked up instantaneously only to yelp at the biting pain against her wrist.

They were bound too.

The tone of her heart notched up so high and so quickly, she was briefly convinced that it would beat right out of her chest and fall onto the floor. Considering the situation, she didn't know how bad that would be. At least she could expect it, because where ever she was, whatever was going on, there was no way to predict what would happen to her in the next few hours.

What she needed was reassurance that this was some messed up dream.

What she got was obscurity and deafening silence.

But now wasn't the time to let herself succumb to a sense of hopelessness- she knew that.

Just breathe, Lana.

"I'm really sorry about those."

It was as though a bucket of icy water was dropped against Lana's spine at the voice she heard. The fact that the voice was familiar- so familiar that she could trace it on the back of her hand- made time stop. And although, admittedly, she had no sense of time in this dark, cold room, she was sure that the hands on every single clock ever had come to a halt.

Because the person that had spoken wasn't just any person- it was Matthew.

The guy who was the brother of her very own childhood sweetheart. The guy she had played with when she was five, the guy who had teased her when she was ten, the guy she hadn't seen in almost a year. The guy who was now doing what? She had no idea.

But all that didn't matter because he was here, and he could help her.

"Matthew! Thank God you're here. What's going on? Why am I tied up?"

He didn't answer her.

Warm skin connected with her leg and as a knee jerk reaction, she startled.

What are you doing? This is Matthew. You know him.

The fact that she was trying to reassure herself didn't settle well in her stomach. Everything about this felt wrong.


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