day fifty eight

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a/n: hey guys! just wanted to update quickly and let y'all know that i just started uni last week (ahh) so i'm going to be A LOT more busier now. i'll try my hardest to update when i can, but it's not going to be easy, especially when i haven't finished writing all the chapters yet. hope you can understand. also I HIT 4k READS OMG TYSM <333 I LOVE U ALL. anyway, enjoy the chapter :3

||DAY 58

She had to convince herself more than once that she was ready. Everytime she thought of failing, of being caught, a crippling fear would overcome her. She didn't know what would happen- what he would, or could, do. But there was nothing left to do now, other than wait. And so, suffocating through each day that came, she waited.

And finally, today of all days, she'd built up the courage to actually do it.

Her heart thumped harshly against her chest, the sound so loud, she almost couldn't hear anything else. She was waiting for her signal. For that one distinctive sound- his sleep talking. She knew it would come eventually; the sleep talking always did come.

She counted the seconds.

1, 2, 3...

324, 325, 326- There it was. It didn't take nearly as long as she imagined it would. Slowly, she pushed herself out of the bed, wincing as there was a slight creak. She took a quick glance at his slump figure lying on the futon. Still asleep.

Before she started to grab what she needed, she made a quick prayer to whoever was willing to listen. It was only a single word, but it said way more than anything else could.

Please. Please. Please.

With a swiftness that surprised her, she gathered the knife, and took out the pillow from the pillowcase. As she did, a soft fabric-on-fabric noise resounded through the room, but it still wasn't enough to wake him.

The kitchen was next: tinned foods only, they lasted the longest, and a couple of water bottles. She had no idea how large the forest was or what exactly she was venturing into, so everything she did was made up of guesses and estimates.

Back into the main room. She'd seen a torch somewhere.

Where did it go?

The floorboards groaned.

She paused.

"What are you doing?"

Her heart stopped for a second too long. The pillowcase, and all its contents, clashed to the ground. Through the darkness, she saw his figure get up from the floor.

"Oh, you're trying to leave." His voice wasn't angry, like she expected it to be. It was just empty.

"Leave? I'm escaping. How could I be leaving if I never really had the choice to? And don't you dare tell me that I did because you know that's not true."

"Don't be like this Lana." He took a step closer.

She took one back, tripping over one of the cans on the floor. Her back collided with the stiff wood beneath her, and upon impact, something pressed into side. Her eyes jolted open in remembrance, and as they did, she saw him draw closer.

"Don't," she said, pushing herself up in an instance. With shaking hands, she pulled the knife out of her waistband. She aimed it at him, trying to steady the tremors that were slowing taking over her. "What are you going to do, huh? You going to tie me to the bed again? Restrain me? Drug me?"

You wouldn't be able to kill him.

You wouldn't.

Slowly, he raised his hands, taking a step in her direction. The shadows of his face shifted to something much darker.

"Put that down."

"Stay back," she tried to say, but even to her own ears the words fell short.

Don't break.

Not now.

You're so close.

He expelled a great breath of air, and shook his head. "I'm not going to do anything Lana. I won't stop you. But you don't know what's out there. You won't be able to make it out without me."

Her eyes widened at his words- disbelief at what he was saying. It couldn't have always been that easy, could it?

A voice, somewhere in the deep recesses of her mind, warned her that something wasn't right. That something was very off. But now wasn't the time to try and figure out what. He was giving her an out- that's all she needed.

The knife fell out of her hand as she grabbed her bag. When she reached the door, she flung it open, the force straining her muscles. For a brief second, for God knows what, she looked back at him.

He hadn't moved.

He really wasn't going to follow her.

She tried not to think too deeply about the fact that this may be the last time she would see him.

Lana took one last ragged breath, and ran.

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