day fifteen

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||DAY 15

He was in the act of feeding her again- some sort of soup thing that tasted strange and metallic and, not for the first time, she wondered what on Earth it was that he was giving her. She didn't really feel the need to complain however, as long as she didn't have to use that stupid IV again. As he did this, he spoke about something with considerable concentration, but she wasn't listening hard enough to know what about. There was something else occupying her mind that she had to address.

"After this, can you take me out of this room?" She hoped it wasn't too forward, too suspicious. But really, there was no reason for it to be since it wasn't like she could do anything on her own if she wanted. Either way, she still amended herself. "I just... It's been a while, and I'm sick of being in this room all day."

"Yeah- of course. It's a great idea actually." His voice was light, like he was pleased about it, but she couldn't tell for sure as she didn't look at the expression on his face.

She wouldn't.

She couldn't.

It was the clearest image in her head at night, and even while she was awake, she was stuck inside the nightmare of her own mind. Every time she closed her eyes, she couldn't see her life further than the front door of this place she was in. She couldn't see further than his face, taunting her, trapping her. At this point she was desperate enough to ask him to move the bed-side lamp, which had the tendency to bask him in a flamelike glow, feigning it was too bright. Now, when he came close, he was nothing but a smudge of black in the darkness.

She had yet to ask him why he preferred keeping them in the dark most of the time- afraid, almost, to know the truth. Perhaps he just wanted this place to be as least conspicuous as possible. He probably just wanted it to stay hidden.

When she finished eating, she was suddenly picked up under her knees and back. He held her like she didn't have two heavy casts weighing her down and she tried not to flinch, knowing there was no other way around it. However, when he started to walk a few steps away from the bed, she was almost convinced he'd planned to carry her around. But eventually he put her into a chair- no, it was a wheelchair, she noticed. He took some more steps, pushing her along, and there was a creaking sound.

The door.

In an instant, she was washed in the most amount of light she had seen since she'd been here. It allowed her to see what was beyond that door and she gasped when she noticed it was a door to the outside. Outside outside.

A flash of colour blurred before her- white, green, blue- and for a moment, she had to close her eyes, the brightness of it all temporarily blinding her.

When she'd asked to be taken out of that room, she didn't imagine he would interpret it as actually going outside. But as she was pushed closer, and then out of the door, she immediately knew why.

The only thing she could see from here was trees.

Lots and lots of trees.

They were in the middle of a forest.

"A forest?" She said lowly, trying to look around her with the lack of mobility she had.

"Yeah, it's quite nice, don't you think?"

No, it was not nice. How could it possibly be nice? Because if they were in a damned forest, how the hell was she going to find her way out of here?

Her blood boiled and her heart throbbed. It was becoming harder to breath.

He pushed her a little way from the house, which she couldn't see from this angle, before stopping and sitting on the dry grass next to her.

"We should probably just stop here for now. Maybe another day I'll take you further."

She didn't respond lest she speak through gritted teeth.

"I'll let you in on a secret," he said, leaning in conspiratorially, his presence hovering in her periphery. "This isn't really a military safe-house. I actually found it here while on a hike a few months ago. It was all broken and falling to pieces so I fixed it up and claimed it as mine. The thing I love the most about this place is that no one comes this far into the forest. It's like only we exist here."

Lana paused in her fuming.

"So, you mean to tell me," she said slowly. "No one knows about this place."

"Not from my knowledge."

Nobody knew.

Nobody knew.

If nobody knew, then who would think to look here? Because if anyone was looking for her, they would probably have came to the conclusion that Matthew had disappeared too. And anyone who knew what one plus one was would be able to make the connection of what he had done- kidnapped her.

But if this place was virtually unknown, how were they going to find her?

Who was going to save her?

Who could?

Who could... except herself?

Stolen By Him | ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang