To Forget The Past: XV

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  Kane reached down to the radio, lowering the sound of Ed Sheeran singing to a slight whisper, the wind of the passing cars covering the words completely.

We had been in the car for a little over an hour, neither of us spoke, but there was nothing to be said. I didn't know where we were going; the town passed us, only the view of towering pines looking out towards a large lake that surrounded us, the road cutting aside it.

My auburn hair tightly held back into a ponytail, the small flyaways framing my face flew wildly in the rush of the wind. I couldn't get my mind off of everything that happened before. The only word that wanted to escape my mouth was sorry.

What I said to Kane, he didn't deserve that. Nobody did. I wish I never spoke, I wish I could just shut up. Fuck, why can't I just shut up?

I groaned, only hating myself more and more as I thought about everything. All I ever do is make people feel like crap, and all people ever feel towards me is pity.

"Kane, I'm-I-I really need to just say sorr-"

"Can you do a backflip?" I stopped talking and looked at Kane curiously, tilting my head. What?

  "Uh, what?" He glanced over at me, smiling slightly, just for a second, then brought his light green eyes back to the curvy road ahead.

  "Have you ever done a backflip?" He raised his eyebrow to me, glancing at me again, "You do know what a backflip is, right?"

I laughed, sitting up straighter in my seat, "No, Kane, I don't know what a backflip is?" I rolled my eyes, slightly chuckling to myself. "But, um..." I cleared my throat, "No, I can't."

"Really?" Astonishment filled his voice, eyes never leaving the road as the car swiftly turned a sharp corner, causing me to tightly hold onto the door handle.

"Yeah, never learned." I shrugged my shoulders, guessing it wasn't a big deal.

"Guess I gotta teach you."

My eyes widened, "No, no, no. It's cool. I don't wanna-"

"You scared?" He teased, though he didn't understand how scared I actually was.

Laying my arm on the Jeeps door, I let the wind snap at the grey, marble-like hoodie that covered my arms.

"Pfft, no!" The word squeaked out, showing how terrified I was of just the thought.

"It's fine if you are." I tilted my head, definitely not expecting that. Being laughed at, made fun of yes, but that?

I never replied, only went to turn up the distant sound of the radio, in which I plugged my iPhone into the auxiliary cord. Pressing shuffle on my playlist, I set the phone down before looking at which song that was about to play.

If you're a lover, you should know
The lonely moment just get lonelier
The longer you're in love
Than if you were alone

Kane's body stilled, his hands white against the jet black steering wheel as his grip tightened. Tilting my head, putting my hand gently on his shoulder, his body relaxed a bit, bringing a slight smile to my face.

"You okay?" I whispered through the loud, crashing wind flying by with the car.

"Yeah," He breathed in.

"You don't have to-"

"My mom," he started, breathing in deeply, letting a silent minute pass. I looked at him, making sure to not stop him from saying what he was going to say, nor push him to say it. "Her and I-she loved Panic At The Disco-we'd listen to that together in the kitchen while we cooked." His green eyes glistened with a far distant look to them, though a slight smile never left his face.

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