To Forget The Past: XXIV

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  "Please don't propose to your ice cream again" I asked, looking up at Kane who was sitting across from me in a booth.

We had gone to get ice cream, like I suggested after that whole...thing, that we both didn't bring up, and well, I wasn't planning on to anytime soon. It was getting late, well, late to get ice cream at least, so nobody was in the ice cream parlor, other than the workers, who pretty much were just on their phones, not carrying about us after we made our got what we asked for.

  Kane smiled at the memory, looking down at his bowl of ice cream he ordered. "No promises," he said jokingly, making me mumble an 'of course'.

  "What's your favourite band?" Kane asked after taking a bite of his Rocky Road ice cream.

  "At the moment?" I asked, already going through a list of amazing bands, not really sure how to choose, but I had one in mind.


"Mhm," I thought for a second, taking a bite of my cookie dough ice cream before answering. "Probably All Time Low"

Kane nodded, his eyes looking out the window of the parlor we sat in.

Nobody was really here, mostly for the fact that the sun was gonna start going down soon, and I guess not many people get ice cream at ten, nearly eleven pm.

"You?" I asked, wondering what type of music he listened to, hoping for something new that I haven't heard of.

"I don't really know," He said, his tongue slightly poking out between his lips as he thought. "Maybe AJR"

"Never heard of them," I shrugged, getting excited to be able to find new songs to add to my playlist.

Kane brought his eyes to mine, "You probably know one of their more popular song: Weak"

"How's it go?" I asked, not really expecting him to sing it, but still asked.

"Here, I'll just show you, 'cause fuck singing it" I chuckled as he pulled out his phone, typing in his password quickly and pulling up YouTube.

He typed in "Weak by AJR" and handed me his phone, letting me listen to the song with the volume on low, not like it would matter if it was higher, there was nobody here to glare at us.

After thirty seconds of the song playing, finally I recognized it. "Ohh, yeah, that. I don't really like that song" I wrinkled my nose, but quickly adding, "I mean, no offense if you do, it's just I personally do-"

Kane chuckled, taking back his phone, putting it face down on the table. "No, it's fine, I don't like it either"

I sighed, glad I didn't just fuck everything up and him getting mad like some people would have.

"So, what's your favourite song by them?" I asked curiously.

"I'm not the best with favourite questions...especially when it involves music" I nodded, agreeing, but he still decided to answer.

"But, I'll give you a top three. So, most likely, Sober Up, Netflix Trip, or Three-Thirty"

"I'll definitely have to check them out" I said, happy to get my hands on new music to listen to.

After a few minutes, I decided to ask a question. "Basic ass question, but, favourite animal?"

Kane didn't even hesitate for a second with this one, even though he had just said he wasn't the best at favourite questions, he clearly knew this one immediately.

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