Chapter 14

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I woke up the next day to the birds chirping outside my window. I yawned, Stretched and put on my fluffy slippers. I walked out of my room and went downstairs. Draco was the only one up.
"Morning Draco." I said.
"Good morning Mione." He said back. "Want some cereal?" He asked.
"Please." I said. He poured me a bowl and passed it to me.
"Thanks." I said. "Want some coffee." I said.
"Please." He said. I made the two of us a cup of coffee.
"Thank you."

Time Skip To The End Of The Holidays

We were all rushing around the house getting ready to go back to school. I had triple checked that my trunk was packed and that I had everything in it.

I walked downstairs to the living room. Almost everyone else was there.
"Where's Draco?" I said.
"He's talking to The Dark Lord." Lucius said.
"Ok." I replied.

About 5 minutes later Draco emerged from The Dark Lords office.

"Let's go!" Narcissa said as we all grabbed onto someone who can legally apperate.

After one last hug we all boarded the train.

We all got into an empty compartment. I put up a silencing charm, closed the curtains and locked the door.

"So Draco what did The Dark Lord want?" I said.

"He wants me to kill Dumbledore." He said so casually.

"I want to do that." I said.

"Sorry Mione The Dark Lord told me to do it." He said.


The train ride was long and boring. When we got to the castle, Dumbledore gave his long boring speech and the first years were sorted.
A/N: I'm just going to skip the school year. Draco DID kill Dumbledore. Snape couldn't do it. Hermione has agreed to go Horcrux Hunting but had not gone yet.

At Malfoy Manor- Before Hermione Leaves.

I finished packing all of my things in my undetectable extendable beaded bag. Draco walked in.

"Hi." I said

"Do you have to go?" He asked in a whiny voice.

"Yes. I do. I don't want to but I have to." I said.

He hugged me.

"I don't want you to leave." He told me.

"Stay out of trouble when I'm gone. And look after Ginny."I said.

"Of course," He said. "Oh and before you go..."

He held my chin and kissed me. I was so shocked but I kissed back.

"I want you to give me that back when you get back." He said.

"I promise." I told him.

I got the rest of my things and we walked down the stairs.

Narcissa and Bella looked like they were about to cry.

I ran and hugged them.

"Stay safe." Narcissa said.

"If they got to be to much hex their arses." Bella told me.

We all said goodbye. But the hardest one was Ginny. We've known each other since we were so little.

"Mione. Promise me you will come back in one piece." She said.

"Ginny I promise." I said.

"I'm gonna be on my own." She said.

"You still have Blaise and Draco you see them in the mornings in lessons and at in The ROR all the time. I'll be back before you know it." I said.

"I'm gonna Miss you Mione." She said as she let the tears fall.

"I'll miss you too. But I will be back." I told her.

After one more goodbye and hug, I apperated to where I was meeting Potter and The Weasel.

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