Chapter 24

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When the man took me back to the cell I was thrown across to the other end.

I could barely move. I heard movement over on the other end of the cell.

"Mione?!" Came the voice. I recognised it to be Draco.

He dragged himself over to me.

He was weak. Not as weak as me but weak.

"What did they do to you?" He said.

"They... they tried to get me to tell them where the Death Eaters were but I refused and they Crucioed me. They tried it for three hours. I didn't tell them anything." I said weakly.

"They did the same to me. I'm sure my dad will come for us." He told me.


Back at Malfoy Manor....
Ginny's POV....

I was sat with Blaise and The Twins waiting for Hermione and Draco to get back. We were sat there all night.

It was 3:45am before we decided to go to bed.

"Night guys." I said.

"Good night." My brothers and Blaise said.

I walked up to my room and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


The next morning I woke up to the sun shining through my curtains.

I took a quick shower and then walked down stairs.

Everyone was gathered in the living room.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Draco and Hermione never came home last night!" Lucius said.

Okay now I'm getting worried.

A few hours later.

Hermione and Draco still hadn't returned.

A death eater ran in to the living room.

"A death eater from Paris has seen the rebellion. He said that they took Hermione and Draco." He said.

"WHAT?!" We all shouted.

"The two of them were ambushed and they were outnumbered. They were knocked unconscious and taken away." He said.

"Narcissa, Bella, Rodolphus, Ginny, Blaise, Fred and George, get ready. We're going to get Hermione and Draco back." Lucius said.

After 10 minutes we were all ready.

We had figured out where they were. They were all hidden in a Manor in Romania.

We all apperated there, wands at the ready.

"Right when we go in I will take Blaise down and we will get Draco and Hermione. The rest of you try and Kill as many as possible." Lucius told us.

We all nodded.

"Let's go!" He said.


"BOMBARDA!" I shouted.

The door was blown up to oblivion.

"Nice Ginny." Bella said.

I gave a small smile and nod.

I really miss Hermione.

Hermione POV.

I was awoken by a really loud bang. I looked around to realise I wasn't in Malfoy Manor. Then it all came back to me. The Date and then The Kidnap.

"Draco did you hear that." I asked him. It came out as more of a whisper as I was still really weak.

We heard some shouting from upstairs.

Narcissa and Bellatrix shouting spells?

"Is that my mum?" Draco whispered.

In the distant we heard footsteps.

"WHERE ARE THEY?!" The familiar voice shouted.


He must have been told where we were because within seconds he was opening the door with Blaise following closely behind.

They ran over to us.

Avada Kadavra Bitch [Dramione]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon