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Ok so as many of you know I have not updated this book in like 2 years. A lot has happened in my life and I've just not had a chance to actually get any writing done that and I've had massive writers block.

Ok so firstly it's been a hard past two years my mum was in and out of hospital and then she later passed away last September and for obvious reasons put my writing on hold.

Secondly I was working so hard to achieve the highest grades possible in my GCSE's and ya know COVID-19 n shit just wrecked that so while I'm on lockdown I'm gonna try and write as much as possible. I'm thinking I'm just gonna write a sequel but add it onto this book so it'll still be Avada Kedava Bitch but the next few chapters will launch the sequel about the next generation of characters so hermione and Draco's kids Blaise and ginnys kids and stuff like that.

Sorry for not updating.

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