Chapter 15

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When I met up with Potter and The Weasel, we apperated to the Black Family Manor. We decided to stay the night.

Potter was upset because Sirius lived here. Boohoo. 

I decided to sleep on the couch and the boys could take the floor.

I drifted off into sleep thinking about the kiss that I got from Draco and how next time I see him I can do it again.

The Next Morning

At breakfast there was a really uncomfortable silence.

I was about to say something when someone or something rattled in the closet.

Potter got up and walked over to it. He opened it and Kreacher came out.

"Kreacher what are you doing here?" Potter said.

"Kreacher has served the Black family for many years. Kreacher is looking after the house." The old house elf said.

Potter held up the fake locket.

"Do you know what this is?" Potter asked the elf.

"This is Master Regulus' locket." Kreacher answered.

"But there were two. Do you know where the other one is?" Potter said.

"I don't kno...." Kreacher started.

"Kreacher." Potter warned.

"Ok ok. He came in and he took the locket. Took the locket along with other things." The elf explained.

"Who took the locket?" The Weasel butt in.

"Mundungus... Mundungus Fletcher." The house elf told him.

"Find him." And with that the house elf was gone with a pop.

A few hours later
There was a pop in the kitchen. Me Potter and The Weasel walked in.

In the kitchen Dobby, Kreacher and Mundungus Fletcher.

"Dobby?" Potter said.

"Harry Potter what an honour it is." Dobby said.

He shook hands with Potter.

"Master Weasley." He said as he shook hands with The Weasel.

We were talking to Mundungus Fletcher for about 20 minutes until we managed to find out who had the locket.

"Well there she is... blinking bow and all." He said picking up the Daily Prophet.

He has pointed to someone who everyone despises.

Delores Umbridge.

"How do we get it?" I said.

"We will have to use pollyjuice potion." The Weasel said.

"Ok I'll start brewing it." Potter said.

"No. I'll start brewing it. If you do it it will take twice as long." I told him.

"Ok Mione. You are the brilliant one." Potter said.

I walked off.

I started to brew the potion.

This is gonna take forever.


A few weeks later the potion was completed. The three of us managed to track down three of the ministry workers who work kind of close to Umbridge.

Potter was using Albert Runcorn, The Weasel was using Reginald Cattermole and I was using Mafalda Hopkirk.

When we got into the ministry. We were all split up. I went to the court room WITH Umbridge.

In the courtroom a woman named Mary Elizabeth Cattermole was being questioned.

"Mary Elizabeth Cattermole. A wand was taken from you on your arrival at the ministry this morning. Is this that wand?" Umbridge said holding up a wand.

"Yes." She said.

"Will you tell me from which witch or wizard you took this wand from?" She said in he really squeaky voice.

"I didn't take it. I got it from Ollivanders when I was 11. It chose me." She said sobbing.

"The wand chooses the witch and you are not a witch." She said.

Potter and the Weasel were stood at the door.

"Your lying Delores. And one mustn't tell lies. STUPEFY!" Potter yelled.

There were a lot of spells flying around so I took the locket from around Umbridge's neck.

After that we made a run for it.

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