Halfdan I (part 1)

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You were woken up by your slave.

-My lady, your father gave orders toprepare you for the visit.

-What? What visit?- you mumbled, stillhalf asleep.

-There're some ships heading to us.They seem to be coming in peace.

You only nodded your head. You knewwell that as the only daughter of an Earl you had your duties, but right now you only wished for a few more hours of sleep.

While the servants were dressing you up and braiding your hair you thought about how would it be to be a boy. Even though it was really flattering to see man craving for your attention, complementing you all the time, you envied your brothers for the total freedom they had. Hey were strong and independent. They were exploring the world. They were heroes. They could be single for their whole lives and no one would judge them. But that's how things worked. Although, when you recalled what your brothers told you about women in the Christian countries, you thanked the gods for being a daughter of a Viking. What god could be this cruel to their woman?

Your thoughts were interrupted by your brother knocking on the door.

-You're ready, Y/N?

-Almost! - you shouted through the door.

-May I come in?

You ordered the servants to open the door.

-Who has come? - you asked without looking at him. Your personal slave was finishing your hair.

- King Harald Finehair.

- Do I know him?

-No. We met him and his brother on the latest raid.

- How do you think, what do they want?

- They are talking with father. They proposed an agreement. Are you ready now?

-I am, let's go.

You followed your brother to the great hall where your other brother and father sat with two unknown men.

-Y/N, darling! - your father greeted you when you came closer- Meet King Harald Finehair –the older looking man bowed his head- and his brother, Halfdan the Black-apparently younger, but not less scary looking man, smiled at you.

His dark eyes and tatooed face warnedyou to be rather cautious around him, but you rememrbed to be the nicest you could, just as your father was expecting you to be.

You stood behind your father's chair, while he finished the previous conversation with the men.

-Is everything clear? Do we agree on everything?

-We do. - the older man, Harald said with a smile on his face.

-It's settled then. - your father looked happy with the deal he made. - What do you say for some good food now?

-We'd accept it happily. - the menagreed and the servants started to prepare a meal.

Your father turned to you.

-Y/N, sunshine. Would you keep Halfdan company today, hmm?

-Of course, father. - you tried your best to make your smile look sincere.

You sat down next to the dark eyed man. When you started talking, he turned out not to be this bad, still, you kept your distance. When the meal was over, the king and his brother left to their chamber to rest and you came back to your room to change your clothes. When you were brushing your hair, you heard aknock on the door.

- Come in. - you shouted.

-Am I interrupting you, darling? - it was your father.

-No, come in. - you smiled at him. -What is it?

He sat down on your bed and looked atyou.

-King Harald came here to make an agreement and you happen to play a role in it.

You frowned at this statement, but didn't say anything, letting your father explain everything to you.

-He offered us a part of his army, may I mention, very well qualified army, as help in the defence from the attack that we are struggling with. In exchange, he asked me for your hand for his brother. Actually, he asked for the southern lands, butsince they belong to you, he asked for you to marry his brother.

You listened carefully. You were not too happy for it, you enjoyed being young and having no real responsibilties, but you knew something like that could happen. You knew your place in this world.

-Why his brother and not him? - youasked.

-This I don't know. What do you think,darling? You don't look too happy.

You swallowed the gulp that was rising in your throat.

-What can I say? I don't like changesand it's a huge change. - you let out a nervous laugh- I'm not goingto argue, you taught me well that it's our responsibility to live for our land and our people. I'm just worried, father.

He came close to the pouffe you were sitting on and caressed your hair.

-About what?

-They look kind of scary, to be honest. - you looked into your father's eyes. He smiled and gave you a kisson the forrhead.

-I understand the worries you have, butI fought beside them. Halfdan is a fair man. I'm sure he will treatyou right, sunshine. They are staying here for a week. You will marryHalfdan in 5 days. Then sail with them to you new home.

Your father kissed your head and left.You had to copy with all those news. You laid in bed for the rest ofthe day. The bed that in a week won't be your anymore.  

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