Hvitserk I

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-What do you think you're doing?

You've been interrupted by Hvitserk, who didn't even bother to knock on your door.

-Umm..sewing my clothes? - you looked at him. He seemed rather iritated and you didn't know what was it about.

-Not that! I've just talked with Floki, who told me you think you're going on the raid!

-Well, because it's true. I don't only think that, I will do so.

You stood up, put down your work and looked sternly into his eyes. He only sighed and nodded his head in disbelief.

-Hvitserk, I've bee working hard on it, training every day. Of all the people you should know better that it was my aim and dream, and that I'm ready.

-War is not only strength, it's also the experience, which you lack.

-Well, how should I get it if I always stay here?!

-You should not.

He said and turned around immediately, in order to leave.

- Don't ever dare to speak to me again!- you only managed to shout before bursting into tears.

How could he? Your best friend. Of all the people he was the one to doubt you? No, you can't let him stop you from making your dream come true. You will be a great warrior and a happy woman. If he wants to be excluded from your life, he should be. It's better for you both, right? No, it's not right. You need him and he needs you.... No, no. Maybe that's how things used to be in the past. You don't need any negativity in your life. Going forward means changing.


A few days had passed. The raid was getting closer and closer. And since that day, that awful day, Y/N haven't said a word to Hvitserk. Well, it was all her fault, right?She was being childish, she told him not to speak to her. And all ofthis just because he was worried about her. If she wanted to play that game, then she should. He meant well.

-What's the matter with you? - Ubbe sat next to Hvitserk beside the dinning table.

-nthmhfg -Hvitserk murmured with his mouth closed.



-Yeah, and you are absolutely calm and relaxed, right.

Hvitserk only hummed and kept staring ahead.

-Y/N came to me today. She was grumbling that you had an argument lately.

- We did not.

-Oh, really?

-Yes. I just wanted to give her good advice and she's acting like a child. Which only proves my point.

-And what is your point?

-That she should stay at home?

Ubbe didn't even manage to express his astonishment verbally, he only narowed his eyebrows. Seeing this, Hvitserk tried to defend himself.

-I'm not saying she's bad at combat or worse than us. I'm just worried about her. She's so stubborn. I do believe she would slay them all on the battlefield. I just want to be sure she's safe.

-Well,you know you can't stop her. Whatever she will do, it's her decision.And if she decides to go and you won't speak with her before.... you might regret it.

Ubbe stood up, leaving his younger brother with that thought to contemplate.


Two days until you'll leave for your first ever real raid. You were so excited. Almost everything was ready. You were currently on the way to visit your sister. You wanted to see her before the raid, ask forher prayers. You were humming one of your favourite lullaby when your thoughts were interrupted

-Hey -a shy voice said from behind you.

Youturned around, gave Hvitserk a nonchalant look and kept walking.

-Listen.I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry.

You stopped and looked at him.

- I didn't want to offend you. I'm only worried that's all. I know you will do great. It's just ... You're too precious to me. You're my best friend. I should not doubt you. Ever.

Hearing that you wanted to smile, but you still felt a little hurt by his behaviour.

-It's alright. I forgive you – you said with your head high. - Just don't underestimate me. After all, I know how to use a sword too. - you winked at him and moved forward.

- Y/n,wait!

You stopped.

-Will you sail on my boat then?

-Of course I will.

Youboth smiled widely. You could not wait to start your great adventurewith your best friend by your side.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2017 ⏰

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