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'I wonder if clouds can get bored, after all they spend their whole lives drifting around the place without doing anything. Then again, a simple life like that can be enjoyable too, considering they have no worries or responsibilities.'  Light Yagami mused to herself as she stared out of the window.

"Follow the voice of god, and he shall calm the waves and protect us from storms." Her teacher drawled on to a class who couldn't care less about religion.

Light sighed.

She was so bored. The world around her was so boring.




Every day it was the same thing.

"It's all so pointless..." She muttered under her breath, 'No wonder Light was bored with his wo-' 

She caught herself.

No way was she going to follow in the original Light's footsteps. She didn't want to become a god or any silly thing like that, and she definitely did not want to die of a heart attack, thank you very much.

'Let the world rot. I don't care.' She coldly thought.

"Hey Light?" The boy next to her whispered.

She glanced at him, forcing on a smile that looked so real yet was so fake, not that anyone would ever suspect that she wasn't their perfect Light Yagami, daughter of Soichiro and Sachiko Yagami.

"Yes?" She politely asked.

"Uh, I-I," He stuttered as he fumbled with his words, "If you'd l-like t-to go out w-with our c-classmates?" he asked, flush on his cheeks.

Light gave him an apologetic smile, "I'm afraid I can't. I'm studying for the college entrance exams. Maybe next time?"

The hopeful look on the boy's face fell as he nodded. "Sure, next time." He repeated.

Light turned back to watching outside her window. She wondered if the original Light felt the way she did too. If he felt like he was living in a different world from everyone else, a world no one seemed to notice.

"See? I told you Light-san would say no."

"She's always busy studying."

"Makes me wonder if she even has a social life."

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