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She couldn't become Kira. Not only because it goes against her morals, but also because she didn't have the right to decide whether or not a person deserves to die.

'But the world needs a Kira.'

At the moment Light was glad that only she could hear her own thoughts.

For the first time ever she agreed with the original Light. The world she lived in needed a Kira.

Someone to get rid of the criminal, someone who didn't care whether or not their hands got dirty and someone who would make sure that criminals disappear.

She couldn't do it. Eight children and three kindergarten teachers were killed because she hesitated, because she was too selfish. A girl was probably raped, because she had refused to become Kira.

Light couldn't become Kira.

"...but what if someone else can?" The idea hit Light like a sudden storm.

Her mind started working fast.

Kira needed to only kill criminals. Kira couldn't have a god complex. Kira couldn't go around having pissing contests with L. Kira needed to be efficient and humble.

Kira needed a way to know every single criminals' names and faces. Kira needed to be a polished version of the original Kira.

Gently prying her arm out of Sayu's grip, Light got out of bed and approached her computer.

Sending a quick glance behind her to make sure that Sayu was in fact sleeping she turned on the computer.

She may not be able to become Kira, but she knew someone else who could become Kira.

Fingers shaking slightly she typed out:

Teru Mikami.

Links appeared on the screen. Light skimmed through them before finding the information she needed. Grabbing a pen she quickly scribbled an address on a sticky note.

Smirking slightly to herself, Light opened up another program to permanently delete her history, making sure not even the most professional of hackers could get it. Well, at least not in the year she lived in. Maybe in 2016 they could.

She turned off the computer and slipped back into her bed.

Phase A of her plan was completed.

Wrapping her arm over Sayu's shoulder, Light brought the younger girl into a hug.

She closed her eyes dreaming of nothing.


Four days later Light sat at her desk twirling a pen between her fingers.

"Dear Stranger? No, it needs to sound like I'm in charge.." Light mumbled to herself.

"Most humans would have given into the temptation and write at least one name already."

Light jumped in surprise, nearly falling off her chair as she glanced behind her to see Ryuk floating there casually.

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