The Crash (Part 1)

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"Niall! Stop your whining!" Harry scolded. Although Niall wasn't the youngest in the band, he certainly was the most innocent. That did mean that the boys were more overprotective of him. He loved the attention but sometimes, it got a little annoying. 

"I don't need to "refresh" my memory on Algebra! I am old enough to get a break!" Niall fired back.

That was all Harry needed to push him over the edge. Before he even knew what had happened, Niall flew to the ground crying. There was a handprint on his face and he held his cheek in shock while tears poured down his young face.

"Y-You s-slapped me!" Niall said, sobbing his eyes out. "N-Niall! I didn't mean to! I don't know what came over me!" Harry said, reaching out for Niall. Niall flinched back and looked at Harry, fear evident in his eyes. 

Harry didn't have time to react as he was shoved out of the doorway. He watched as Niall walked to the groups shared car. "Wait! Niall!" Harry called out. He knew the lad wasn't a strong driver.

"Zayn! Liam! Louis!" Harry called. All of the boys came down the stairs and saw tears pouring down Harry's face. 

"Whats wrong Haz?" Liam asked, rubbing soothing circles on his back as Louis guided him to the couch.

"N-Niall. H-Hit. C-Car!" Harry sobbed. 

Zayn, Louis, and Liam waited for Harry to calm down. "What happened?" Zayn prompted.

"Niall and I got into a fight and I hit him! He started crying and ran out of the house and into our car. He then just drove away!" Harry said, fresh tears pouring from his face.

Liam and Zayn shared a look with each other and ran out of the door. Everyone knew that Niall wasn't a strong driver.

Louis stayed with Harry, calming him down until he fell asleep.


"I can't believe him!" Niall shouted as he was driving. The speed limit was 35 but Niall was going 79. The road was icy and snow was falling fast but Niall didn't care.


A trucks horn was blown and Niall's car was rammed off of the road. The car rolled down an icy hill, hitting sharp rocks and trees.

Niall felt pure pain. "Snap!"

Niall screamed in pain as the car kept tumbling down and down. Glass was everywhere and he couldn't focus.

At some point in time, the car stopped tumbling. 

All he wanted to do was go to sleep. The sound of sirens brought him out of the trance.

"There is someone in there!" He heard. It was probably a firefighter. Niall eventually closed his eyes. He couldn't move any part of his body whatsoever. 


Hours. It has been 2 hours and the boys couldn't find Niall. They searched every pub an arcade but couldn't find him anywhere.

"Whats with the traffic?" Zayn asked Liam, honking his horn to get people to move. Liam sighed and got out of the car. "There was an accident, we should check it out," Liam said nervously. There was a slim chance that it would be Niall, right?

The boys headed over and saw a horrific sight. They were soon running over to a blond boy in a stretcher.

"Sir! We can't have you over here!" A police officer said, trying to escort the boys. "That's our friend!" Zayn yelled and pushed the officer away, running towards Niall, Liam close behind.

His body was covered in blood. His back was in a weird angle, like an arch, while his head was loosely rolling when he looked around. His eyes were opened but glossed over. "Niall!" Liam yelled. He grabbed Niall's hand and cried with Zayn. "I'll call the boys..." Zayn said to Liam, patting his back.

"We are taking him to the hospital. You may come if you wish to ride in the back with him," One of the ambulance directors said, putting an oxygen mask on Niall.

Liam and Zayn nodded their heads and went into the ambulance with Niall.


"Hangrrrr..." Niall said, not being able to form coherent sentences.

He looked over and saw two men who looked like Liam and Zayn. Although his neck became immobile 5 minutes ago, he still tried his best to capture his surroundings.

Niall weakly smiled when he realized Liam had started to hold his hand and Zayn ran his hands through Niall's soft blond locks. 

"Liiiammm...Zayneeee" Niall mumbled, getting both of the boys' attention. "Herttzzz" He mumbled, tears falling down his face. His Irish accent was stronger because his voice was extremely strained with emotion. "Shhhh. You will be alright..." Liam cooed.

"sleepeee" Niall mumbled. "No no no! Niall, you need to keep your eyes open for us!" Zayn said, sadly smiling at Niall. "I triii" Niall returned. His vision blurred and soon he was met with darkness.

"NIALL!" Liam yelled. A nurse started working around him, trying to stabilize him as they were making their way to the hospital.


(At the hospital)

Harry and Louis met Zayn and Liam at the hospital and now it was a waiting game. Niall was taken to surgery 4 hours ago and it was currently 3:00 am.

A doctor walked out and the boys all sat up. "Are you with Niall?" He asked. "Yes!" Harry replied, becoming impatient. "I have good news and bad news," The doctor said, "The good news is that the surgery was successful. The bad news is that he had broken a part of his neck and spine"

The boys started to sob. "You can see him..." The doctor said, smiling sadly.

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