The Crash (Part 2)

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Everything hurts. I can't move anything in my body. I want the boys. They will comfort me.

The door opened and Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Louis walked in. I smiled weakly as they came to the side of my hospital bed. 

"I'm sorry..." Harry sobbed, clutching onto my hand.


"Because! It was me who hit you and I-I..." Harry lost it and Liam had to walk him out of the hospital room.


The neck brace was itchy but I had to wear it. My back brace was even worse but, again, I had to wear it.


3rd (I prefer this POV for this story)

Zayn wheeled Niall out of the hospital room and helped him into the car. 

Niall apologized and the boys did the same.

They all promised to not do any reckless thinking and watch their actions.

The rest of the car ride was short but when the boys got home, they cuddled with Niall.


(Quick time skip XD)

Niall was now in Therapy for his legs and was taking small steps every day. Things were getting better.


Sorry, this is short. XD

Niall Horan SickficsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora