First Year, Part 5 (The Twins Invitation)

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Two months rolled by, and Halloween was just around the corner. Because I spent much of my spare time exploring the castle, I knew now how to get to all of my classes without getting lost.

As I walked alone to Breakfast, I heard, rather than saw a large group of students clustered around a large poster hanging up on the wall right outside the entrance to the Great hall.

They talked all at once in excited voices, and some were even jumping about excitedly. I noticed that the majority of them were Gryffindor.

I spotted Frank amongst the crowd and made my way to him.

Frank stood talking with a Second-Year blond boy who I had seen at classes before. I didn't know his name, but he was one of the nicer students here at Hogwarts.

I had first laid eyes upon the blond haired boy when he had bumped into me, and he had apologized, helping me pick up my belongings. It had been the first few weeks here at Hogwarts, and I had been surprised because others had bumped into me, but none had apologized.

His cloud that surrounded him had been a mix between red and blue, meaning energetic, competitive, smart, calm, and anger.

Although he didn't back away from me, insult me or pretended I wasn't there like many others did, he never went out of his way to befriend me as Frank had done.

I felt comfortable around him and didn't hesitate as I came and stood next to Frank.

"Oh, hey Alexa!" Frank face broke out into a smile as he saw me.

The blond haired boy looked over at me and smiled politely. I smiled back in response and looked back at Frank.

"Hey, Franky, What's all this about?" I motioned large group of students, most of whom were now departing.

"The Prewett twins are throwing a huge party, and we're all invited!" The blond haired boy answered before Frank had a chance to reply.

"Even the First-Years?" I asked.

"Yes, it says ALL Gryffindors. Read it," Frank nodded his head towards the board.

I glanced up at the board. It had orange and red letters painted on it in neat handwriting, and pumpkins grinned at us, ghosts flying about on the poster. A picture of two red-haired boys were both widely grinning down at us.

It was those two red-haired boys I had first seen at the Sorting Ceremony and had later come to learn that they were notorious pranksters. They were twins, but they weren't identical.

James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter often followed the twins around like little puppies, begging to be taught some of the pranks the twins pulled. Unfortunately for the rest of the school, the twins obliged them.

The poster read,


Gideon and Fabian Prewett herby invite ALL Gryffindor students to attend our annual Masked Halloween Birthday Party!

Expect lots of candy, food, drink, games, prizes, scares, and most importantly, a Grand Treasure Hunt!

Professor Dumbledore has agreed to let all students stay out past curfew this Halloween night.


-All students are required to wear a mask and costume. You will find a large crate full of masks and costumes right under this poster on Halloween, at breakfast time. At the end of the Party, a reward shall be given to each of the three owners of the three best costumes.

-Only Gryffindor students are allowed to attend; unless you've personally received an invitation from Gideon or Fabian Prewett.

-Last but not least, no one should reveal their identity until the end of the party. It's more fun that way!

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