Chapter Fifteen

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Rosalie and I were back in the Elite dorm room with me sitting on the couch that overlooked the windows and the view beyond. Rosalie busy in the kitchen, making enough noise that would usually have me worried. But at this point, I could not focus on that. All I could think about was the unknown monster that made itself at home within my body. How long has it been there?

He has been here a while. Julie's voice erupted throughout my mind. Calming me down as always. Yet her sentence gave me more answers that the soothing power it had. How did she know it was a 'he'? How did she know that he had been there a while? Does she know what he is? Is she aware of something that has not been made known to myself?

What do you mean? I asked her within my mind as I leaned forward resting my arms elbows on my knees and my thumbs under my chin, holding my head up. How can you know that?

I am apart of you. I know many things about who you are and what you are made of. Julie answered with slight joy evident within her words. It would appear that she was enjoying my own confusion.

Care to share any details? I asked hoping that she would have mercy on me and tell me the things that I needed to hear.

I want to rather talk about the fact that you deny you feel something for Rosalie. She said in a tone that made it sound as if she was sulking mockingly. Why was she adamant that I cared for Rosalie? What did she want out of a talk such as this?

I don't feel anything for her. Please stop bringing this up. I told her hoping that she could finally stop her pestering in regards to this topic.

You're in denial. She said with a soft chuckle, making me clench my hands in frustration. It's quite cute really.

You're not helping. I added as I dropped my arms but kept my hands clasped together.

I stood up slowly as I gazed out over the academy through the large windows. Wondering what my life would have in store for me. How long could I withstand before I ended up showing the world who I really was. Or what I was.

Suddenly the elevator doors blew outwards as a dense dark grey smoke poured in through the opening. The blast itself almost echoing throughout the floor. I turned in time to notice four thick black chains making a straight course towards where I was standing.

Diving to the right I avoided the chains as they embedded themselves into the thick glass of the window. Five large men dressed in all black, with a reflective mask covering the entirety of their heads, raced out of the smoke in my general direction.

The man on the far left suddenly stopped and raised his right hand towards the windows. Closing his open hand into a fist with a quick motion, all the windows shattered. The pieces of glass being pulled behind him through the air as if being controlled by an unseen force.

Be careful Victor. Don't let them take you. Julie shouted through my mind causing me to wince.

The two men on the right stopped and lifted both their arms and pointed them in my direction. The air surrounding them began to shimmer as the moisture was sucked from it. Forming water droplets, before combining into large water orbs that hovered in front of them. This happening with a second.

The second man on the left, with a sudden burst of speed shot towards me with his left arm pulled back. The man in the middle dropped his arms to his sides as thick black chains suddenly materialised around both arms. With the chains growing with such a speed that they hit the ground almost instantly. The chains now being dragged behind him as he raced towards me.

Only at this time, did I finally regain my composure. I ignited the golden fire surrounding me as I pushed my power into my legs. Hoping for the burst of speed that would be greatly appreciated.

As I leaned forward, the chains burst forward catching me by surprise. Out of reflex, I moved to my right, only missing the chains by a mere few centimeters. As I missed the chains, a ball of ice crashed into my chest, sending me rolling backwards into the dining room table and chairs. Effectively crushing them to dozens of pieces.

Pain shot through my body the flames surrounding me flickered softly. As my eyes opened I saw the chains once more flying in my direction. As was the man that seemed to prefer physical combat that magic. Pushing my power to my legs, I dodged to my right, flying straight into the kitchen island. I managed to stand quickly as I focused my mind on the men in front of me.

The physical combat man rushed forward to my left. As I turned to see, I noticed two balls of ice flying in my direction. I burst forward, meeting the man in front of as I slightly swerved to my right,  missing his right punch by a few centimeters. With my left fist, I punched into his chest, pushing him backwards.

As he lost his balance, I grabbed his shirt with my left hand and pulled him towards me. Using that momentum, I pulled him into the space between myself and the ice balls. Both shattering as they came into contact with the man in black.

The chains snaked around my left legs and pulled back sharply, pulling me off my feet. Hitting the floor with a loud thud, I was suddenly pulled forward towards the chain user. At the same time, shards of glass attacked both of my legs, cutting through the wall of fire around me and into my legs.

My blood scattering the floor around the path I was pulled. My screams filling the room. I felt heat burst through my eyes as they focused far more. I knew they changed into my dragon slits. Using my power and the anger that accompanied it, I sent a burst of green fire outwards, effectively melting the chains and the shards of glass that surrounded me.

I scrambled to my feet unsteadily. Wavering as the pain washed through me. Two spiked of ice shot forward as they embedded themselves into my shoulders. Throwing me backwards into the windows. The ice penetrated the windows as it held me up a few dozen centimeters. Blood seeped from my lips as I pushed my fire outwards. Trying to melt the ice.

The chains wrapped themselves around me binding all movements. I felt my power dull as if the connection between it and myself was slowly dissipating. The water users moved a new source of water and made it snake around my neck, rising quickly as it covered my head.

With the source of oxygen cut off from me, the connection to my power lessened at a quicker pace. The man that was combat orientated rushed forward and smashed his right fist into my stomach, causing me to lose the reserve oxygen that my body held.

My vision began to fade as shouts echoed throughout my head. Failing to understand the individual words, I knew whoever was speaking was trying to get my attention. 

""  Were the only words I could hear with everything happening. But what shocked me more than the fact that these five men had defeated me was something I would want to deny most of all.

My vision fading was one thing, but the short bursts clear vision showed me the one question that my subconscious was asking. The question that my mind ignored as I fought for my life.

Because what I saw was the man with the chains standing in front of all the rest with a very familiar blonde standing at his side. No smile on her face. No emotion. Merely standing there with her arms crossed in front of her. I caught the glimpse of the nod she gave the man with the chains before she turned and walked towards the elevator doors.

The man with the chains tightened the binds bringing my body into an unconscious state.

With my last thought being, 'how could she do this to me?'.

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