Chapter Twenty Four

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I stood tall, holding Rosalie by the throat as the being within me was beginning to attack my conscious. Trying to regain the control that I had only slightly given him. With the fight within me, and the anger swelling through my entire body, I conscious began to fade. Leaving only instinct within its place.

I fought hard to retain my position as I glared towards Rosalie's frightened face. Focusing more on the anger and the internal struggle within me I threw Rosalie to my left, through the dark steel walls. My dragon power within her keeping her from harm. Even now, my dragon wanted to protect Julie.

The steel crumpled underneath her as I howled in anger. The lightning that surrounded me forcing Penelope and the rest of the Elite's from the room. I could faintly see the fear that they held within their eyes at that moment, but all I could focus on was the fact that Rosalie stood between Julie and myself.

I sped through the opening that Rosalie's body had created and found that she was about to descend towards the ground below. The ground a few dozen meters below us. The prison they held me in was within the same building as the head mistresses office. Why would they place a lightning user within a prison that high up?

Through the air I raced to catch Rosalie's form. Holding her by her throat once more. I hovered at, glaring into her eyes as I watched them widen in fear. My conscious almost lost to me as the lightning that had become my form began to grow worse. More ecstatic. More violent. My eyes glowing a bright red that contrasted against the bright blue of the lightning.

I let go of Rosalie's throat and as she began her fall towards the ground below, I shimmered and disappeared once more. A second later I appeared above her and rushed downwards. Placing my palm against the center of her chest, I pushed down. Both of us travelled with immense speed as I crashed her into the asphalt below us.

Cratering the tar all around as I pushed her a meter into the tarred earth. Dozens of cracks shot outwards as the buildings windows shattered at the impact created. Rosalie let out a gasp of breathe as she slumped down. Her consciousness almost fading. A thin trail of blood began to leak from her lips.

I felt powerful presences surround the crater as I looked up. I could feel my instincts taking over as the internal struggle against the being within me grew stronger. I growled loudly at the intruders who turned out to be Penelope and the rest of the Elite's. Next to them stood Bo's brother, Jake. All looked upon me with fear in their eyes. Jake's, however, was focused on Rosalie within my grasp.

His gaze angered me further. How dare he look upon what's mine. I shimmered from where I held Rosalie down. Appearing in front of Jake in the blink of an eye. My right hand surrounding his face as I pushed him backwards. We flew for a few dozen meters before I redirected his body into the tarred road beneath us. Hearing a few bones snap at the impact he made against it.

I could faintly hear the rest of the elites and the headmistress barking out orders for all those that had surrounded us. Trying to move them to safety. However what o could hear as plain as the sunlight that shines from the sun itself, was the silent prayer that Penelope, the headmistress, offered up. The words themselves scrapping through the being within me. As if angering him further. The words were crystal clear against my ears.

"I request for the aid of those above," Penelope began to chant as a powerful aura surrounded her. As of becoming a visible force, the power swirled around her still form. "To assist in the matters of the Mortal. I pray to thee, for the guidance, for the power needed to vanquish thy foe. I pray to thee, Gabriel, Archangel of the heavens." She ended as a powerful light shot forth from the heavens above and collided with her still form. The bright light thick enough to surround her entire being.

This isn't good. The being within me spoke with fear. His movement to take me over halted slightly.

Penelope stood there as the light died down, power radiating off of her in vast amounts. Her body had a soft white glow to it. Her eyes were swirling with blue, ever moving, showing the vast pit of power she wielded.

Wings of radiating golden light had sprouted from her back. Outstretched showing their full wingspan of six meters. Blue tattoo-like markings appeared around the tops of her hands, and up her neck, coming to rest about a few centimeters from her ears and mouth.

The rest of the Elites had long since moved away from her. Aiming more towards saving the rest of the academies students rather than face the collision of both of our powers.

Give me control, Victor. The voice beckoned further with urgency lacing his voice. It is the only way we can beat them.

My mind, being weakened from the struggle so far, couldn't withhold against the sudden surge of the being energy. Feeling myself fading within my own mind, I fought to my last moment of clarity. I didn't want to give the control away. I feared I will never regain it.

I felt my body shift tremendously as the lightning shot outwards, striking all around both Jake and myself. The pain that burst forward throughout my body was unlike anything I had felt before. As if acid was slowly eating its way from the center of my body outwards. The pain so intense it caused me to forget about my surroundings and instead focus on handling it.

It was at this moment a hand appeared before my face, surrounding it with a tight grasp. I felt myself being pushed backwards, my feet coming off the ground. I failed to determine how far I was pushed backwards until my back impacted roughly against the cement of one of the academy class buildings. Cracking the cement beneath me.

I coughed out a small splatter of blood as the pain only served to accumulate within me. I failed to differentiate between the pain of this attack and the pain from the being within me taking over.

My eyes began to blur as a flood of strength forced its way throughout my body. Forcing it to its limits before shattering even those.

I managed to glance at my attacker to see Penelope hovering before me with a serious look upon her face. It didn't look like her at all. It was as if someone else had taken control of her.

Give control back to your host. Her voice laden with hundreds of others spoke forth. He is not yours to control.

You, who dared lock me into this vessel, think you can dictate my actions? The being within me spoke with anger as more and more of his power flooded through my system. My control long gone as he began to assert himself as the main consciousness. How dare you presume to subject me to a vessel?

The lightning that shimmered around my form began to dissipate and revealed the angry look upon my face. The being had complete control at this moment.

What? Gabriel asked surprised at the outburst that the being within me let out. I did not lock you into a vessel. I am not too sure who exactly you are.

Then I will show you! The being within me shouted as he roared loudly. Unleashing every single ounce of power he held within me. A shockwave erupted from my core and shot outwards, throwing Gabriel backwards a few meters.

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