Chapter Twenty Three

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It's been a week since I had woken up in the hospital, and to be honest, I wished I remained unconscious. Staring at the glass walls surrounding me within my nine meters by nine meters cell. My cage. It was the only way to stop me from destroying everything.

The power within me from the being who inhabited me began to run rampant. The wing of the hospital that I was in when I woke up, now lay in rubble. The nurses, doctors, and other patients all fell victim to my loss of control.

Lightningran rampant from within me, crackling through the air. Striking the ground and the glass walls with a ferocity that made me slightly fearful. If I couldn't gain control of this power, I have no idea how useful I would be in this war. Would I remain on the outskirts of the battle, to afraid to join in, in fear of killing my allies, or will I finally become one with this power? It was too soon to tell.

The bags under my eyes showing whoever saw, that I was sleep deprived. That the power within me stopped me from doing any of the normal things. It was Penelope that finally managed to subdue me when I was trying to gain control. I subdued the power enough for her to over power me.

Do you think you can stop me! The voice from within me shouted inside my head. The being was trying to take control at my most vulnerable moment. The problem was, it was more powerful than I at first thought. This was a losing battle for me. I have no idea how long I can hold on.

Please leave me alone. I replied within my mind as I leaned my back against the far wall, facing the glass door in front of me. My knees brought up as I hugged them tightly. Completely forgetting that I was only wearing a pair of dark blue jeans.

Now why would I do that? The voice challenged me as if it enjoyed what it was doing to me. This is far too much fun and I have been silent for far too long. The voice retorted with a chuckle like growl lacing his voice.

I clutched my legs tighter as I tried to force the being from my mind. I couldn't let it take control. The devastation it could unleash could be irreversible.

I grow bored. The voice said in a bored tone. The cheerful excited voice from earlier, discarded already. Pain shot through my body as it forced its way through me. Forcibly taking control.

The pain was too much. I fell forwards until I was crouched over on my hands and knees. My hands clenched tightly into fists. I screamed as the pain became too much. I could feel myself losing control as my scream turning into a laughter filled with an evil essence the likes I have never heard before.

My erratic laughter switching between a pained scream back to the laughter. My eyes shot open as the lightningincreased, the crackling causing snaps that resounded throughout the room. The noise forming a fluid tune.

My eyes lifted as I noticed that Penelope and a few of the elites were watching me with wide eyes. When they arrived, I had no idea. All of them looked concerned and frightened at what they were seeing.

I watched as Penelope quickly turned to Ethan, the second ranked Elite. He bobbed his blonde curled head in approval as he quickly turned and disappeared with speed that should not be possible for a normal human. It must have something to do with his powers.

I felt as the last of my sanity was slipping away as the laughter increased. Fearing for my end, I failed to hear the door to the cell open and quickly shut. I banged my fists against the marble floor as I tried to maintain myself.

I felt a presence in the room standing near the door, unmoving. I lifted my head as lightningshot outwards. My gaze caught the intruder, shocking me to a state where even the presence within me stopped from progressing.

Rosalie stood there with her hands chained in an 'X' across her chest. The chains glowing a soft gold indicating that they were nullifying her magic. Her face filled with fear as her eyes never left mine. I saw the soft yellow glow in her eyes indicating who was in control.

"Julie?" My voice groaned out as the presence within began to withdrawal slightly. Staying silent as it did so. Even her presence was enough for me to gain control. The lightninghowever did not stop. It still cackled as it struck all around me. However, the lightningseemed to avoid Rosalie/Julie as if it feared striking her.

"V." She said as she regained some of her composure. Taking a hesitant step towards me, fully conscious to the fact that lightningwas striking everywhere.

I tried moving towards her, but with every movement I felt the presence within me trying to edge forward. So I remained still, my eyes never leaving Julie's.

She slowly walked towards me minding the fact that her legs seemed to be chained together as well.

Seeing her like this angered me further. She was not to be chained. She should be free. But the reminder that She was within Rosalie's body made me sadden. I needed to get her out. I needed to free her.

After a minute or so, she stood before me. She knelt down to my level, I noticed the struggle she went through to do so. She leaned forward slightly.

"V, please calm down." She said in a loving voice causing me to move closer to her, forgetting the fact that the being within me was inching closer and closer with my focus changing. My head now in the crook of her neck. Calming me down.

The lightningbegan to subside slowly but surely.

"I need you to calm down. This isn't you." She remind me as she nudged my head with hers.

"It wants out." I told her as my my arms wrapped around her. Pulling her closer to me. Her scent calming me down. It was strange that knowing what Rosalie did, her scent still calmed me.

"I know he does." She replied, the fact she called him by the male reference completely escaping my focus. "But you can't give in. You must retain your hold. Remain who you are." She continued as she collapsed into my arms. Effectively sitting on my lap as I held her close.

The door to the cell opened, causing the almost diminished lightning to strike out once more, surrounding myself and Julie. The lightning bolts striking everywhere within the cell. The door suddenly closed and the presence that entered was no longer there.

"I don't think I can." I told her as I calmed down softly. "It's too strong." I replied as I focused on Julie in front of me. She was tethering me to my own sanity. I needed her.

Suddenly she went rigid and silent.

"How dare you lay your hands on me?" Came a harsh voice in front of me. The tone that I remembered from within the enemy holds. I completely forgot that she was still alive. I quickly let her go and threw her from me. "Ow. Dammit!" She shouted as she rolled away from me. Coming to a stop after a full roll. "How dare you throw me, you pathetic spark!" She added as she got to her knees.

My gaze found hers as I noticed that her eyes didn't have the yellow glow. It meant that she was back. Rosalie was in control.

"Cat got your tongue?" She mocked as she smiled devilishly. She seemed to enjoy my current situation. The lightning around me burst forth and struck the glass walls, cracking the glass in a few places. My anger soaring. "How are you this weak?" She jeered at me. "Pathetic." She added.

My anger reaching new heights as a growl escaped my lips. I fell forward onto my hands and knees as my form began to shimmer. I let the being within take control. Letting him surface to the forefront of my mind. My anger forcing him into submission temporarily. I knew it would not last but I needed it.

My form shimmered as if my lightning began to become one with me. My eyes shined a bright blue as my entire body shimmered into lightning. Fear crossing Rosalie's face as her previous smug look abandoned her.

"Who are you to talk to me?" My voice growled out in hundreds of voices, as I disappeared from where I stood. A split second later I was pushing Rosalie through the glass, my right hand around her throat, as the glass shattered around us.

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