Chapter 11- Nia

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Hello, Everyone! Sorry for the late upload, I was really with school last week, and I went on a weekend getaway with my best friend this weekend and I had no internet. But I'm back with a new chapter and I hope it won't disappoint you. Don't forget to vote and comment, and I'm trying to get my followers up so give me a follow to stay updated. And if I get enough followers I might even post the first chapter of a new story I've been working on.


When I said, I wanted to get to school early, I didn't mean this early. Mya picked me up early, as promised, and Tasha did her makeup in the car, how she's able to get a sharp wing in a moving car, I'll never know. She picked me up at six, and I was at school by six forty-five.

We beat traffic by an hour, because there were barely any cars on the road on our way to East Chapel.

I thought when I got here there would at least be a few people here, but no, it was completely deserted. No other students in sight, so I did the only thing I could do. Explore.

Armed with my map and backpack full of books, I began roaming the halls of East Chapel Academy. This turned out to be the best time to find my way around, since I had the whole place to myself. I didn't feel weird about looking at my map, and no one was staring at me.

I don't know what Whitney was talking about when she said that this place feels small, now that I've explored a little bit more, it feels bigger than ever. So far I've found a few computer labs, a lot of classrooms, a game room, and the cafeteria. Now I stood outside a large set of double doors, and above them it said, "Martha's Library."

How romantic is that? If someone dedicated a library to me, I think I would have to marry them.

Pushing the heavy doors open, I stepped into the most beautiful library I had ever seen.

It was huge. Two stories, rows upon rows of books spanned the top and bottom floor. It smelled like worn paper and lemon floor polisher. Groups of wooden tables spread across the first floor, and an old lady sat at an expansive desk on the other side of the room. She paid me no mind as I walked in, but maybe she didn't hear me.

After looking around downstairs for a little bit, I went up the large staircase that led to the top floor. The library at my old school was practically non-existent, there were only a few bookcases with a few torn copies of Twilight and required school reading. I made my way through the whole thing in a school year, I had to start making my way through the public library. But I think it would take me years, centuries even, to read every book and volume in this library.

I was looking through the romance section, I went to pull a book off the shelf when a few toppled over and fell on the ground.

"Shit." I am so clumsy. Bending down, I began to pick up the books. Someone kneeled in front of me, and began picking up the books. I stilled, I thought I was alone.

I looked up to see who it was. "Marcus!"

"Hi," he said, picking up the rest of the books. I stood, placing the books back on the shelf.

"I'm so clumsy," I laughed, awkwardly. "I was just looking, and they fell. What are you doing here, so early, I mean? I thought I was the only one here." God, could I ramble, anymore?

"I couldn't sleep, and I had a paper to work on, so I figured why not get a head start and come to school early," he explained. "What about you? I thought I was alone too."

"Oh, I live across town, so to beat traffic I have to get here early. I didn't realize no one was going to be here."

"You drove?" he asked.

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