Chapter 26- Marcus

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"I don't know you guys. What if this doesn't work?"

Sam, Nick, Crystal, and I stood in the library putting the finishing touches on Sam's plan.

"If this doesn't work then she lied to me and she actually hates you," Sam said hanging some string lights from the window seal. "Because this plan is perfect, and no girl would be able to resist."

"I mean it should, Sam spent the last two weeks stalking her," Nick said as he sat against the wall. He had barely helped us, but he said he was here for moral support. Which I need a lot of. I'm an anxious mess.

When Sam first told me his idea of bringing Nia here to make my move, as he and Nick put it. I was skeptical, but once I got over that he had basically been tracking her every move and lunch since she's got to East Chapel, it was a great idea.  We had spent the majority of our time in between classes setting everything up.

"I was not stalking her, I was simply observing her," Sam said hoping down from where he stood on the window.

"You told us everything she's had for lunch the past week and a half," Nick said digging in the bag of chips Crystal had brought him. "That's stalking."

"At least I helped. You haven't done anything, but sit around and eat snacks."

"Excuse me, I'm resting up. Since I still have to go to practice this afternoon, unlike the two of you. Who got your dumbasses suspended for fighting. " He pointed at me. "And you owe me some money, by the way."

He held his hand for money, but I flipped him off instead. "Well, I know who not to make a bet with in the future," he said, continuing to finish his bag of chips.

"I can't believe you knew before me, and didn't tell me." Sam shook his head, "That's some shady shit."

"I told him to tell you, if that helps," Nick said.

"It doesn't," he replied.

"If you want you can try to fight me too, that way we all get suspended." Nick grinned.

"You are such a dick," said Sam. "Right, Marcus."

"What?" I asked not paying attention.

"Are you all right?" he asked concerned. "You look like you're going to be sick."

"I just--I'm just nervous," I admitted, beginning to pace back and forth. "What if she hates it?"

I had acted so cold towards her in chemistry today, she probably thinks I hate her. And gossip has been flying around about Sam and I's fight during football practice all day, so I'm sure she's heard all about that. I hope she doesn't think I'm violent.

My stomach was turning over in knots. To stop myself from getting sick, I sat down in the window seat. A little bit of dust rose up making me cough a little, but the scent of Nia's perfume came along with it. Sam told me she had been spending most of her mornings here. I had been too afraid to ask him how he knew that.

"Don't worry, Marcus, she's going to love it," Crystal said sitting next to me. "Everything's already in place."

"She has the note?"

She nodded, smiling. "Yep, I gave it to Stacy to give to her. Nia should have it by now."

I sighed. Okay, so there's no turning back now. "Thanks again for the help, Crystal."

I hadn't expected her to want to help us, with her being Whitney's best friend and everything. But she was happy to help, and she was a breath of fresh air compared to Sam and Nick.

"You're welcome," she said. "I'm rooting for you and Nia, you'd be adorable together."

"But won't Whitney be mad that you helped me?" I asked her.

She tilted her head with a shrug. "Yes, but we'll just hope that she never finds out."

"I don't know why you're even still friends with her, babe," Nick chimed in, wiping chip crumbs from his pant legs. "All she does is boss you around and say mean things to you."

"She doesn't always say mean things to me," she replied.

"But doesn't she?" he countered.

"We've been friends for years, you don't just throw that away."

"Why not? Stacy did. It's not like she has something against you. " Nick crushed the bag between his hands. He laughed, "Whitney's not blackmailing you, is she?"

Nick was only joking, but I felt Crystal stiffen next to me.

"You talk so much shit, Nick, but would you be so quick to drop Marcus or Sam?" she asked. I could feel her getting irritated with him. Which she rarely did, so he must have struck a chord somewhere.

"If they were bitches, yes, I would," Nick answered matter of factly.

"Anyways, Marcus, " she said ignoring him. "Run me through the plan again."

"Okay so..."


"She's not coming," I thought to myself as I sat alone waiting for Nia to arrive. My heart was beating so fast, I could hear it drumming against my rib cage.

Sam, Crystal, and Nick had all went to class. Leaving me alone to stress. Maybe I didn't give her enough directions. I hadn't written a time or anything, Nick said it was best not to, to make me seem more mysterious.

But what does he know, he's known Crystal since we were in kindergarten. By the time they got together, nothing about him was a mystery.

And what if she thinks it's too much? I looked up at the lights that we had strung above the window, and down at the pillows and Harry Potter blanket Crystal had brought. It was Hufflepuff one, she said it showed that I was listening to her. We had been rushing between classes to get this set up, and it looked great, but I feared that we had over done it.  I had Rosa pack a few snacks for us, her and my mom were beyond excited about our plan. But they weren't too happy about Sam and I getting into a fight, my dad especially. But he was glad we had talked it out and made up.

My head was still spinning with worry when I heard a small gasp come from behind a bookcase.


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