Hum Hallelujah

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'Hey you've reached Micheal Way, sorry I couldn't answer your call but leave a message after the beep'
"Hey Mikey, call me when you get this. I'm getting worried" I told the answering machine after calling for the fourth time that evening; I didn't see him all day and Mikey never misses school but he said he was already there when he called me this morning. He didn't sign up for any clubs earlier in the school year so he couldn't have been there and he doesn't have a car so he would've had to walk home yet I didn't see him; I understood he didn't like being home when Gerard wasn't but it was nearing seven pm and I still hadn't heard anything.

A sudden ring shocked me out of my train of thought and I took note it was coming from my phone so I answered it and pressed my phone to my ear, hoping I would hear my boyfriend's voice but I was proven wrong.
"No no it's not Gerard, it's his father, Donald. We found Mike's phone in Gerard's room but there's no sign that he's been anywhere in the house except for the fact his Anthrax t-shirt and school blazer were thrown onto his brother's bed so I was hoping you'd know where he went because Elena said she didn't see him come inside" the father of the Way brothers explained; fear was dripping from his trembling voice.

"Don, I told you to only call people in Michael's phone and see if they've seen him" I heard a feminine voice say in the distance; I recognized that as his mother from the phone conversations Mikey has had with her at my house and immediately made a disgusted noise.
"I got hold of Evelyn"
"Does she know where he went?" She questioned.
"No" the man stated calmly, probably trying to not worry his wife.
"Well Gerardo said he dropped him off at school and he went straight into the building with no hesitation but he's driving home right now to search for him" Donna explained; you could tell by the way she said her son's name, that she spoke to her kids-and pronounced their names-in Italian which was in a way cute because Mikey said he went into kindergarten speaking more Italian than English.
"Call the Iero family. Maybe Mike is with them"
"Linda said the only person she's seen from our family is Gerard and that was last week"
"Gerard just messaged me saying he's outside my house so I'll go with him around Belleville and if we see Mikey, we'll bring him home" I told the two on the other end as I slipped into a red U Chicago hoodie and ran up the stairs to the main level where my brother and dad were watching WWE together. 
"Any sign of Mikey?" Dad asked making me pop my head into the living room.
"No but Gerard is here so I'm gonna go search for him, I'll be back soon"
"Call me when you find him please" my dad called as I slammed the front door and got into the silver car of the tear stained emo in the drivers seat.

"Hey G, long time no see huh" I stated bringing up our drive to school this morning-when we knew Mikey was okay.
"Yeah I know right. Anywhere you'd think he'd go?" He asked as he revered into the New Jersey evening and began speeding down the road.
"The park by your house if you haven't checked yet. Mikey and I like to sneak out at night and meet up"
"You really do like my brother don't you" he questioned as he made a right onto the first intersection.
"I do. He's a great guy who just like you, had a troubled childhood because he wasn't a girl"
"He told you about that?" I only nodded and turned my phone on hoping to see a message but I had to think logically; Donald has Mikey's phone so there's no way of contacting him or him contacting me.
"Well yeah. My mom always wanted girls since she was the only girl in her family but my dad wanted boys however neither of them were really there for us, it was more our grandma than anything or anyone. Occasionally our aunt Marie but Elena Lee was there the most" the oldest brother explained.

We reached the park and Gerard pulled to the side and turned his car off, getting out which made me follow as we made our way up the pathway leading to the playground children spend time at but it looked deserted due to the coming night sky.
"I called Frank and Ray on my way to your house so Ray and Ashlee are looking in Nutley, Frank, Jamia and Evan are looking in their neighbourhood and he also mentioned he's gonna call Bert and Quinn to look around East Newark but if we don't find him we're gonna have to start looking in Hoboken and crap" Gerard explained as he wrapped his black zip up tighter around his body.
"Mikey!" Gerard screamed, hoping for a head to pop out of a play tunnel or from behind a bush but we saw and heard nothing.
"Mikey!" I yelled only to receive silence.
"Mikey! Come on bro this isn't funny. You're scaring us" Gerard yelled running towards one of the play structures and looking around it.
"Mikey!" I yelled again.
"are you looking for someone?" I heard the voice of someone call from by the houses backing onto the park; the person came closer and I soon noticed it was a young, short blonde women holding her coat around her small frame as her slippers sounded against the cold grass.
"Uh yeah, my brother went missing and we don't know where he is" Gerard told her.
"Well this is the wrong place to look, hun. The only kids I saw were the regular bus kids at the end of the pathway over there and that was at seven this morning. This park has been empty since due to the still not nice weather. I know because I'm a home daycare teacher and the kids are always in the living room which I can see the park clearly from"
"Fuck. Okay, thank you though, it means a lot to get this bit of info" Gerard told the girl making her smile at him.
"Do you have a photo of him and a number I can contact in case I happen to see him?" Gerard quickly pulled out his wallet and removed a photo from it before writing on the back of it and handing it to her in which she turned it over to read the contact information followed by looking back at us.
"You could've said he looks a lot like you but with glasses because wow, the resemblance uncanny"
"Yeah we really look alike but he's better looking" G stated looking at the photo he handed her; it was the same photo Mikey had on his student ID which meant he had taken the image from the pictures he brought home from picture day and kept it for when he missed his brother.
"Well I'll let you know if I find Michael or Mikey Way" she stated reading off the photo.
"Thank you so much" he said before she walked away and we began making our way to the truck but I heard my phone ringing and flipped it open to see it was coming from 'Mikey's house' so I answered the call and put it on speaker for the two of us to hear.

"Evelyn?" Donna's voice sounded.
"Yes? Gerard is here too"
"Okay good. I called the cops and they're filing it as a missing person"
"Mom! You weren't suppose to do that!" Gerard yelled as he unlocked his vehicle and got in, turning on the radio and finding a news station to listen to.
"-er news a teen boy is missing from his Belleville home. He is described as pale, thin and around 5'10. He was last seen wearing his school's dress pants and a black Green Day hoodie with glasses and a grey beanie. The seventeen year old's school states that Michael Way did not attend but his brother dropped him off at the building before it started. If you have any idea as to wear his whereabouts, please contact police or our website immediately"
"Mom!" Gerard screamed as he turned the radio down.
"That's my baby boy!" She screamed at her son.
"Maybe he wouldn't have ran away if you didn't yell at him last night. That's all you've ever done to him, yell and maybe he got fed up with it and he could be dead and the last thing you said to him and the last thing he'll ever remember his own mother saying is 'I should've raise a girl' because to you, he's never good enough. To you, he's the disappointment son. To you, he's not me but honestly, I would rather you scream and yell at me than do what you do to him because mom, it hurts to see him cry but you don't see it because you weren't with us growing up. Mikey crying only got sadder as the years went on. Imagine a seventeen year old coming into your room unable to breathe and collapsing on your bed calling himself a mistake until he falls asleep. I'd take a bullet, a knife, anything for him and I have but this is your fault so don't baby boy him because if you were an actual mother, this wouldn't have happened" without giving Donna time to respond, Gerard ended the call and handed me my phone back before beginning to drive but not back to my house.

The Way residence.


So it's been a while since I updated this book and a lot has happened. I missed Halloween but I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you have gone/are going to the M A N I A tour, tell me which date you went/are going to because I'd love to hear it! My date was October 25th and they were incredible, I even got the MTV looking hoodie and am in love with it.

Getting off topic, I'm sorry.
What do you think happened to Mikey? Share me your thoughts because I might just change it for you!
Do you think Gerard had the right to yell at Donna like that? What would you do if you were him? Would you react the same way?
Should I make this Mikey thing go for a few chapters for find him in the next update?

Let me know what you thought about this!

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