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The drive to his house was silent; not awkward but silent. Gerard always had something to converse about but this time it was different. I mean, I'd be the same way if Sebastian just left without us knowing. Mikey didn't know how special he was and how much pain he was causing his brother but I saw the look on his face; he wanted his baby brother home, he wanted to hug him and tell him how much he loves him until it finally stuck to his head, he wanted to be able to walk through his front door and call his name and to see the shaggy haired boy emerge from the room they shared growing up but it wasn't going to be like that tonight, for a few nights if we didn't find him and it broke Gerard because he knew it too.

He pulled his car up behind his dad's and motioned for me to get out as he did the same; he glanced at the New Jersey cop car at the front of the house and his speed picked up because it brought back a terrible memory from his childhood-Mikey cried explaining the story to me so I vowed to never speak of it unless he brought it up and just by the sudden action, I knew it still bothered Gerard twelve years later.
"Micheal?" We heard a hopeful voice-a male voice-call once the black haired adult closed it after we entered.
"It's Gerard, Evelyn is here too?" We heard an upsetting 'oh' coming from the living room and Gerard told me to keep my shoes on-as we might have to go back outside-and walked into the room his parents, grandmother and two police officers were.
"Your name and relation to Michael please" the female officer-who's badge read William-asked as we came in.
"I'm Gerard and I'm his brother"
"I'm Evelyn and I'm his girlfriend"
"And I'm sorry ma'am but this is a personal case so I'm going to have to ask you to-"
"Wait" Gerard said putting his hand out as the offer was about to kick me out.
"She's always with Mikey. She's useful, she can help us. Mikey trusts her more than anything. Please, just let her stay" he begged; officer William looked at officer Reynolds-the male officer-and he shrugged which allowed Gerard to pull me onto the empty couch and wrap his arms around my-slightly-shaking form to calm me down.
"Want one of Mikey's hoodies?" He whispered.
"Later" I said nodding at him.

"So Donna, shortly after you had called in, investigators in the Kearny area found a male body but they haven't gotten back to us on whether it matches the description you gave us. You stated earlier that your son has a fear of water but this body was found in the West Hudson pond so there would need to be a strong reasoning as to why he'd go in. Now is there anywhere Michael could have wandered off to? Driven to?"
"Mikey doesn't have his licence. He's scared to drive because two years ago him and I got into a car accident and he was in the passenger seat so he's been scared to go behind the wheel since" Gerard stepped in; I was actually shocked to hear that because Mikey always takes Gerard's car and drives. Unless, Gerard didn't know about it and all those times he's said Gerard knew, he really didn't because of the accident.
"So if he ran off, it would have to be on feet because his skateboard and bike are both still on the side of the house" officer Reynolds stated.
"We have friends who live in Kearny and Newark but only our friend in Kearny can drive, even then he would've told us if Mikey was with him when we called" Gerard explained.
"Very well. Now Evelyn, you're always with Mikey as Gerard stated. Where do you two usually go?"
"My house, sometimes here but that's rare, our friend Frank's house, Gerard sometimes drives us to the mall in Jersey City but that's really it. We see each other everyday at school so that's usually where we'd be together" I told him truthfully; I saw no point in lying because Mikey's life could be at danger right now and I didn't want to risk it anymore.
"We're going to continue searching the house, see if we can find anything that can help us if that's alright with you" officer William told Donna in which she motioned for them to do what they had to do but Gerard took that as his chance to follow them to Mikey's room and return with a Misfits zip in that I quickly put on since I had taken off my hoodie and left it in Gerard's car due to it being extremely warm while we were driving.

"Gerard Arthur Way you are in so much trouble" Donna snarled in a whisper so the cops didn't hear.
"Excuse me?"
"How dare you yell at me like that over the phone"
"How dare you verbally and physically abuse Mikey for years and expect him to not pull this stunt. He's gone because of you and you'll never give me a reason to think otherwise because I saw it all happen with my own eyes. School was hard for him and coming home to an abusive household didn't make anything better. If I'm being honest, I'm surprised he never attempted suicide" Gerard stated while keeping one arm wrapped around me tightly; I knew it wasn't going to end well and so did Gerard by the way he was holding me but he tried his best to remain calm.
"No. Enough was when Mikey fell down the stairs when he was four and you didn't take him to the hospital so gramps had to take him to get stitches across his left eyebrow. Enough was when he was nine and you came home drunk and started screaming at him and calling him a mistake when he didn't do anything. Enough was when he started joining clubs in middle school so he spent as little time at home as possible. However the last straw was recently when him and I were setting the table and you threw a knife at him but I stepped in front and took it for him because Mikey is my everything and watching you torture him from his youth to now is all just too much. It's too much for me to watch it and the pain he feels is unbearable. You were a normal fucking mother up until I was three because I've seen home videos and I've seen pictures and you weren't like that for me. You became a monster when my best friend was born and you still continue to act like that towards him but suddenly he's gone and he's your baby boy? Nana is ten times the mother you are because she loves the two of us equally and never gets mad when we messed up"
"Gerard I think that's enough" his father said rubbing his wife's shoulder.
"You don't have a say in any of this because you never stopped the psycho"
"Gerard!" Donna screamed standing up.
"Hit me" Gerard threatened standing up to meet her eyes.

"Stop!" I yelled. The officers were outside in the backyard checking the basement windows so-thankfully-they weren't aware of what was happening but once my voice was heard, the four set of eyes were on me.
"Donna, I've tried to like you, I really have but when Mikey comes to my house burned and scratched and mentally drained and asks to spend the night because Gerard isn't home, he doesn't have to explain to me anything because I know it was you. Everything Gerard said was true and Mikey tells me that he's only pushing for the future because of his brother. He became very anti-social because of his upbringing and it took so much effort for him to come clean and tell me everything he did and that's all on you. You can't get mad at your oldest for being honest with you because you favour him over Mikey yet you're screaming at him? He just wants his best friend to be okay and him missing so suddenly hurts and you need to accept that. You need to accept that Mikey is gone because he couldn't handle his home life anymore" I told her. Donna sat back down and so did Gerard but she was about to say something when the officers came inside and looked at each other.
"We have some news" William stated.
"It's both good and bad. The body found in the pond doesn't match Michael's description however we have no news on any other missing persons case" she said making us sigh.
"Gerard" I whispered making him look down at me.
"I think I know where Mikey is"
"Where?" He asked; the adults were far too busy to hear us converse which I was thankful for because I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up.
"I'll show you only if I can drive and if I can inspect the place myself first" Gerard quickly agreed and we got up, heading towards the front door when someone spoke.
"Where are you two going we were in the middle of a possible kidnapping" Reynolds stated.
"I need to be home" I said quickly before we dashed out and I was thrown keys into my lap as I got into the drivers seat.
"Can you even drive?" Gerard asked buckling himself up.
"Yes. Mikey's taught me" I said causally as I reversed and began down Salter place
"Wait what?"
"Mikey takes your car and drives it without you knowing. He also takes your license in case he gets pulled over"
"That little shit"
"He is your brother" I stated smirking.

My only hope was that he was where I was driving towards; it was the only place I could think of besides the places we've searched for already.


This book is suddenly becoming interesting and I really like it.
Where do you think Mikey is?
What do you think happened in their childhood that Gerard became uncomfortable when he saw the cop car? Should I explain that story or just leave it for you to guess?

Also, I changed my username. I was AdriannaDias but now it's trickywentz because I wanted a change so I'm sorry if you didn't know who this was. It was a very last minute decision but I've had my name as my user since I first joined four years ago and thought why not change it.

Anyway, I hope you liked this update, if you have any ideas, let me know!

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