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Ten years later

We watched them thrash around on stage from the side; well, watched Frank thrash. Mikey stood calmly in one spot, occasionally stepping up to the front of the stage to be close to his brother but Frank did most of the movement. It felt so surreal to know these guys started out playing at Maxwell's in Hoboken, NJ and are now standing in front of us playing in Madison Square Garden for thousands of people.

I looked at the brunette in my arms as she banged her head to the drums in Famous Last Words, trying to get the headphones off her head but I held them with one hand and kissed her head. She was getting annoyed with them on and they only had a few more minutes till the show was over.
"Wanna go back stage, Ellie?" I asked making her look at me and shake her head.
"No I wait for daddy" I kissed her head again and hugged her tightly before setting her down and straightening out her black skirt and white t-shirt I dressed her in today before making our way to the venue from our home in Brooklyn.
"Let's go wait for him on the couch with your birthday cake" I told her making the thee year old shake her head; she was just like her dad-stubborn.
"We are the Black Parade!" Gerard yelled making the crowd cheer along with Elena because she knew they were done.

Mikey threw his bass to Matt-their guitar tech-and ran to the side of the stage once the lights went dim and swooped Elena up in his arms, spinning the two around and kissing her head.
"There's my birthday princess" he said running a hand through his long brown hair that he grew to love.
"Cake!" She yelled making him laugh.
"Yes baby, now we can have your cake" he told her; he came over to me and kissed my head making me smile and slide his wedding ring back on since he didn't like playing with it as we made our way backstage with the rest of the band behind us.
"Down down" Elena said kicking Mikey in which he allowed her to stand on her own so she quickly broke our interlocked hands and joined our train making me laugh.
"This better" she stated making me raise an eyebrow at the little one between us.
"You can tell she's related to Gerard" Mikey whispered making me smile.

We made it to the dressing room to see our friends were lounging around and conversing amongst each other but once they saw The Black Parade, they all cheered and Mikey lifted Elena making her fist pump for a reason she didn't understand yet smiled nonetheless.
"Cake!" She yelled noticing the Minnie Mouse cake with a number three on it.
"There's my baby!" Jamia shouted taking her away from Mikey's arms and dancing around the room with her while the five guys spoke to everyone in the room.
"Cake!" She yelled again in a more frustrated tone making me laugh and take her from Jamia.
"Is there any way she inherited Frank's hunger and energy because wow it's female Frank with Mikey's face" she said looking at the now tired Elena in awe as she rested her head on my shoulder.
"Wouldn't be surprised" I teased before walking up to Mikey where he stood by her cake and whistled for everyone's attention in which he received in seconds making him smile.

"Okay, so I would like to thank you guys for not only coming out to support the guys and I as The Black Parade but to also celebrate Elena's third birthday. I wasn't home for her party last year but I'm glad I'm with her this time around and knowing all theses special people are here with us means the world to my beautiful wife and I so without further ado" he picked Elena up from my arms and nodded at Gerard to light up the big number three as Ray dimmed the lights for everyone to sing happy birthday. We saw flashes going off which made Elena shut her eyes causing Mikey to laugh at her.
"Make a wish sweetie" Mikey told her as she placed her hand on her chin before her eyes lit up and she blew out the big candle making everyone clap for her, including herself. Ray turned the lights back on and Gerard came running with a camera to the front screaming for a picture in which we happily posed for before he handed Jamia the camera and stood beside me to get in; he loved being part of our pictures because he didn't have a family of his own but enjoyed making memories with our little one.

"Who wants cake?" I asked as Mikey quickly dipped his finger in the red icing and placed it on Elena's nose making him laugh once again.
"I'll eat the whole thing since Elena is grumpy" Mikey said leaning in and opening his mouth; I pushed him away and he ran off with Elena and sat her on the couch before coming back over and kissing my head, beginning to hand out a plate to everyone.
"Hey, I love you" he said coming back and lifting my head away from the cake I was still cutting.
"I love you too, MJ" I said using the little nickname I gave him years ago; it wasn't really a nickname, just his initials but he loved when I called him that. He kissed me again and then wrapped his arms around my waist, standing behind me and began kissing my neck making me giggle.
"I need to finish cutting this, baby" I told him but he only held onto me tighter and lifted me off the ground making me let out a squeal.
"You're gonna hurt the baby!" Gerard shouted making the room go dead silent and Elena look up at us in question.

"Baby?" He asked confused looking at his brother.
"Surprise! I-I'm pregnant" I announced making Gerard snicker as Mikey's face lit up.
"Wait, a-another" I nodded.
"Yes Mikey, another baby" he smiled down at me and placed his hands on either side of my face and lean in to kiss me in which I responded by placing my hands on his waist and kissing back.
"When did you find out?" He asked breaking it.
"Jimmy when was I at your house? Last week? Two weeks ago?" I asked looking at Jamia making her hold up two fingers since she had water in her mouth.
"So a month ago"
"Ellie do you hear that? A sibling!" Mikey shouted lifting her up making her giggle.
"A boy or girl, mommy?" She asked looking at me.
"Mommy doesn't know yet baby but when I do I'll tell you, okay?" I told her making her smile and lean over Mikey to kiss my cheek.
"I love you" I told her.
"I love you too" she replied.
"I love you" Mikey cooed making me smile.
"I love you too, baby" I said pecking his lips making everyone cheer like I remember on our wedding day four years ago.

That's how the story goes. In the end, the dark will become light and everything will fall in place. I think it took Mikey a while to realize that but once he stepped out of it and into the brighter side, he never wanted to go back. He always believed he'd never be happy or enjoy his career as something his parents forced him into but now, every night he is thankful for everyone who is around him that encouraged him to further his career and focus on music because it would get better; he just needed a little push. Gerard said I was his push but I know deep down that he was strong enough to do it on his own, I just happened to step into his life at that very moment and he there to support him. Watching him grow and become this mentally strong human being he became truly made me realize that moving away from my comfort zone, my little town in Illinois, really wasn't a bad thing because not only did I help him, I helped myself. It's funny how life works if you really think about it.
This is my life now, my family.
Our family.


Run Away With Me is officially complete.
I said my thank you's in my previous update but I just want to once again say thank you to everyone because I am extremely content with the way this came out.
I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. My next one is most likely going to be a Pete Wentz fic but I'm not sure if I should make it warped 2005 based(possibly petekey) or teenager based so let me know about that one as well!!

Once again, thank you guys for sticking by me while completing this and it feels good to finally have it finished.
Love & Strength

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