She's My Winona

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We decided to head home. We didn't want to but Mikey being all over the news was becoming risky to go out so returning was the best thing we could do at this point; we'd have to accept the consequences for our actions though I knew Mikey would be in deep trouble by his parents and all I could do was sit and support him as we walked up the steps to his house and rang the doorbell.
"You sure about this?" I asked holding his hand tightly; he looked down at me and smiled. We had spoken about this last night with my father but I just wanted clarification he was sure about it.
"Never been more sure about anything in my entire life" I nodded and bit my lip as we waited for the door to open.

"Michael James Way where have you been?!" Donna screamed pulling him into the house by his-Pete's-white denim jacket.
"And you!" She yelled walking up to me making my eyes sudden.
"Mom stop! she didn't do anything" he told her coming up to us and pushing her away.
"I'm here to pack my shit and leave" he stated making her jaw drop.
"You're what?"
"I'm packing my stuff and I'm leaving, I'm moving out" he told her, rubbing my back slightly.
"And who could possibly want to take you in?" She huffed.
"Me" I piped up.
"You don't love my son, I love my son" she spat.
"If your definition of love is mentally and verbally abusing him then apparently I don't love him however you're definitely right because it's not, you don't know what love is" I told her.
"Close your mouth, mom. Save some oxygen for the rest of us" he stated before stepping past her and bringing me into his house, heading straight to his room and beginning to pack as much as he could. He'd visit Gerard but it wouldn't be often so he left some of his clothes behind and left a couple vinyls for his brother as well for him to take.

We made it out of the house alive with four duffle bags and two backpacks full of stuff to get Mikey going for the next little bit; we'd come back eventually and get everything but for now, he just needed some stuff to help him get back on his feet.
"We're home" I announced closing the door behind Mikey which made Lola run up to us and welcome us with her tail wagging.
"I brought down a dresser to your room for Mikes, Eve. Seb and I cleaned it out and it's good to go. It's just temporary until we rearrange your brother's room and can have Mikey sleeping in there too" my dad explained coming up the basement steps and welcoming us home.
"Thank you so much for this mister Jackson it's means so much to me" Mikey said going up to him and shaking his hand which made me giggle; he was still terrified of my dad.
"Mikey, what did I say last night? You're family now. Call me Nate" he said pulling him in for a hug; Mikey accepted and hugged him back.
"Okay let's go put these away" I announced holding up the bags I was carrying.
"I'm gonna start the barbecue in a bit so you guys get Mikey ready. You come with me, leave them alone" dad told Lola as he picked up her toy she dropped in front of Mikey and ran towards the backyard with it making her run after him.

I ran downstairs with my boyfriend close behind and dumped the bags on my bed, giggling happily that this was actually happening.
"Who knew we'd be starting our future together this young" I told him unzipping one of the bags when I felt two hands being placed on my hips, turning me around so I can face the teen in glasses.
"I did" he stated before closing the gap between us making me smile.
"Oh, I almost forgot" he said breaking the kiss. He searched the bags and eventually found what he was looking for; a box.
"Our anniversary was last week and I forgot to give this to you then but I felt that late is better than never" he said opening it revealing a silver ring with a Sapphire stone in the middle-it was Mikey's birthstone.
"It's not an engagement ring, it's a promise ring with my birthstone until I can give you my last name" he explained looking down at it.
"I love you"
"I love you too, baby" he kissed me again and slid the ring on my finger making me smile.
"Looks great on you" he complimented.

I pushed him down on the bed, sliding on top of him and sitting in his lower stomach.
"How did I get so lucky?" I asked sliding my hands up and down his chest, admiring the ring against his Black Flag shirt.
"I ask myself the same thing" he told me, pulling me down and kissing me again.
"And look what my brother gave me" he said breaking the kiss and pulling his phone out from his pocket making me smile again.
"Gerard is a good brother" he nodded and unlocked his phone, me rolling over so I was laying beside him and he opened LiveJournal, going to upload picture and turning the camera so it was facing us.
"I need a new profile picture. Put your hand on my chest to show the ring like most couples do" he said excitedly making me roll my eyes playfully and do as told. He took the photo and set it as his profile picture which immediately sent me a notification.
"Now I'm ready to restart my life" he announced.
"Yes. I got an amazing girlfriend and her family, I'm away from my parents, I'm working on fixing my mental health and I'm in a band" I sat up and looked at him at the last part, rather confused as to what he meant.
"What?" I asked.
"Gerard, Ray, Frank, our friend Andy and I are in a band. We're unnamed right now because I'm scared to give out My Chemical Romance but we're a band and we somewhat have our shit together. I spoke to Pete and he said we could play with his little screaming group he put together"
"Why didn't you ever tell me this?!" I yelled excitedly.
"Because!" He mimicked, giggling.
"I'm so happy for you!" I yelled laying on him; he held me tightly and smiled at me before kissing my neck making me giggle as well.
"I love you"
"I love you too Mikey"


This is the end for Run Away With Me!
Thank you everyone so much for everything you have done to make this book the way it turned out, sending in your ideas, feedback etc really helped me as a writer however, it eventually had to come to an end.
I will be adding an epilogue to this soon so you know where everyone stands but for the most part, this book is complete.

Also, if you celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a good one but if not, happy holidays!!

Once again, thank you guys so much for this and I hope you enjoyed this journey.

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