Liamara Dragon

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A Beautiful Soul,
With a Pretty Smile...
A Person who can Shine,
While Her Shadows Sleep in the Corner...
A Lovely Essence,
Struggling with Demons...
But even though She's been Corrupted,
The Demons can't have Her...
For Deep Within Her,
Her Light remains Untouched...
Sometimes Blackened out,
By the Shadows Thrown at Her...
The Light Seemed Lost,
For so many Times...
But it has Always Returned,
To Give her Hope and Strength...
To Open her Eyes and See,
That She's Never Alone...
Some who See Her Beauty and Strength,
Get Jealous and try to Destroy it...
They Like to see Others Suffer,
Laughing Inside as they Watch...
But in the End it will be Them,
Who will Suffer the Most...
For those Who Enjoy Destruction,
Awaits a Hell of Revenge...
And for those Who Stand Strong,
Awaits a Free World of Justice...
So Smile as they Try to Destroy you,
For their Fate will be Agonising...
They will Feel all They Gave,
Thrice as Strong at the End...
And You will be There,
To Laugh at Them...
As They Wither and Die,
You Will be in Perfect Bloom...
So Stay Strong my Dear Friend,
And don't You Dare to Satisfy Them...
Stay Strong,
Liamara Dragon...


July 22, 2007

July 22, 2007

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