The Mind

76 11 7

At Night,
When the mind enters Dream State...
The Fight begins,
The Fight for the Pleasant and the Unpleasant...
Sometimes it starts with the one,
And ends with the other...
They Swirl around each other,
Entwined in an Eternal Rhythm...
The same Old Tale,
Light versus Darkness...
When the Shimmering Light of our Dreams,
Gets Drowned in the Shadows of our Nightmares...
The Demons will always Return,
To hunt us Down the Roads we know so Well...
But sometimes the Light returns,
And puts an End to the Never-Ending Nightmare...
But both will Keep Returning,
Until one finally Wins...
Only one shall Rule the Mind in the End,
Which will it be for you?


April 6, 2007

April 6, 2007

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