Monkey D. Luffy the Medium

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A/N: And Shizuka, by reading my other stories you know I love a little angst, so here is your long overdue request :)
Major spoilers if you just got into One Piece and are still like at episode 300 or something, but if you're caught up with One Piece and know who Sabo is, let's just pretend he's dead for this fic.)

(This is after the time skip of course and past the Dressrosa Arc. Has some information from the Whole Cake Island Arc.)


It was a quiet night on the Sunny-Go as everyone is peacefully sleeping the night away, or so you thought. In the watch tower, there was a sleepless captain on watch for the night. He was smiling as he was looking at the souls in front of him.

"Thanks for visiting me Ace, Sabo" Luffy said with a solemn smile. He watched as the two souls of his departed brothers come closer and sit beside him on each side.

"Well ever since I joined Sabo, we had nothing better to do, especially since your crew is near Alma[1] Island it's much easier to see you again even if it's only for a little bit." the raven haired man smiled as he looks down as his brother.

Luffy felt like he was at home again, ever since he was little he could see Sabo and Ace couldn't, but now, even if it's sad he is glad that his brothers could be reunited again.

"Yea, I'm glad to see you grow Luffy no doubt you could be pirate king with the way you are going." the blond headed brother exclaimed with pride, thankful he could watch over his younger brother on his journey.

The straw-hatted captain was about to speak until he was interrupted by a voice. "Hey, Luffy it's my turn to take over."

Luffy looked towards the voice to see Usopp at the entrance of the watch tower. Luffy got up and stretched as he walked towards Usopp. "I'll see you later Usopp!" the sniper nodded as he saw his captain get out, noticing the wave that his captain sent towards nothing, or so he thought.


"Guys, have you heard Luffy talking to himself lately?" Usopp said as he recalled last night's events. The crew decided to meet up in the early morning, minus Luffy since he was still slumbering due to his watch.

"A bit but I think it's just Luffy-bro being Luffy-bro," Franky said as he popped open a bottle of Cola. The crew just looked at each other. "I heard him talking to nothing though, it seem like he was talking to Ace and someone else or something."

"Well if you want to ask Sencho-san I see nothing wrong with it, after all, he can always reject if he doesn't want to answer," Robin mentioned as the crew was thinking of what was going on.

"Then it's settled then, we can ask Luffy later when he wakes up as it 6 is in the damn morning." a certain sleep deprived swordsman grumbled out as his sleep was disturbed. The crew laughed softly looking at Zoro but then separated to do their own things shortly later.

Luffy woke up to multiple voices which didn't belong to his crew, he woke up with wide eyes. Luffy looked around the room noticing seven individuals he never saw before. It only took him a couple seconds to realize that these are souls of the dead ones that look over his crewmates.

"You guys are here because the island that we are docking at called you here?"

They all looked at each other and nodded, they have all moved on before but the spirits if the island brought them back one last time for a while.

'Explains what Ace and Sabo were talking about before Usopp came up.'

A young lady with pink hair in a ponytail and has her hair shaved on the sides came up to speak.

The Many Talents of LuffyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon