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happy update!!

Make sure to read the A/N at the end for info on my next contest!!

Enjoy the new chapter!

I thought I had experienced fear when the guy broke into our apartment.

I thought I had experienced terror when my father and I were shot at from above at a charity event.

But I never knew what true fear, terror, and panic was until I awoke from my black out only to have Harry shove me into the passenger seat floorboard as bullets rained down on our car.

My screams were drowned out by the loud noise, and Harry dove over to cover me and shield himself behind the dash as the bullet proof glass shattered from the force of so many rounds.

I watched him grab his gun and fire several shots before he put the car in reverse and slammed on the gas, backing our car away.

It was at this moment I realized that the car accident wasn't on accident. They hit us intentionally to catch us off guard so they could kill us.

Harry then sat up only to turn the wheel of the car as far as it could go to the left so we spun around in a circle, the tires screeching against the concrete before he threw the car in drive and sped off as fast as he could.

He looked behind him, breathing heavily as he looked to see if they were following us.

"What's happening?!" I screamed.

"I don't know." Harry panted. "Stay down."

He looked behind him again before grabbing his phone and pressing buttons and holding it to his ear.

"This is Styles! We were shot at on FM 7890! It was a black SUV and it crashed into us before shooting! I'm taking Bluebird back to campus!"

I was breathing heavily and as I went to brush my hair from my face I noticed that my hands were red...and wet.

Looking down all I could see was red against my blue top.

"Harry." I said but he didn't reply as he kept driving.


He still didn't move.


He finally looked at me and when he made eye contact with me I looked down at my stomach where the blood was coming from and I heard him suck in a breath before he grabbed his phone.


All I could hear was Harry yelling, but I couldn't make out the words as I looked at my bloody stomach.

Why didn't I feel pain?

It was the adrenaline.

I would feel it soon.

My breaths became laboured as I came to terms with the fact that there was a bullet inside me, and then looked up at Harry again who looked like a mad man as he was driving at top speed, shouting into his phone.

"Harry." I said his name quietly but he looked over at me, his eyes full of fear.

As I inhaled and exhaled sharp breaths he reached over for my hand, taking it in his before looking back at the road.

I could then hear sirens coming up behind us, and Harry looked behind us before looking down at me.

"We're almost to a hospital." He said and I nodded, holding onto my stomach as I could feel the pain beginning.

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