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happy update!

now, before we get into the chapter, i want to start out by apologising for my absence and taking so long to update.

this chapter took so long to create due to several very negative set backs occurring in my personal life. They resulted in me losing some ambition and my drive to create was diminished. I did not feel like I could write.

However, i'm back and i'm healing and that's what matters. so i wrote you all a long chapter to try and make up for not being here to update.

thank you all for your concern and the love you continued to show 24/7 while I was away! Let's get this story all the way to the top!

we have reached 8 MILLION reads so far! Let's keep the momentum going!

enjoy the chapter ;)

Today was the day.

The day Harry was finally being released from the hospital and we were able to go home.

We had spent almost 3 weeks at the military hospital in Germany, and Harry had made significant improvements.

He was no longer malnourished, and had gained back some of the weight he had lost. His skin had more life to it and he looked healthier.

He was walking now. He could make several laps around the hospital before getting tired.

His cuts had healed and the deep gash that had been on the back of his leg was almost ready to have the stitches taken out.

He was still sore from the surgery, and had multiple spots on his stomach that were stitched and glued shut.

The infection from his open wounds had also gone away.

So now we were able to go back home.

But I knew things would get worse before they would get better.

The last weeks had been emotionally rough on both Harry and I.

He started to experience some symptoms of PTSD.

The first time I noticed something was off was when he began to start staring off into space.

Then came the nightmares.

I woke up one night to the sound of him screaming at the top of his lungs. It took me and five nurses to call him down, and once we did he ended up angry.

He didn't like not having control over his body and his mind.

He had good days and bad days.

Some days he would smile and laugh and kiss me and tell me he loved me...and other days he would get angry at himself for something he couldn't control and be in a horrible mood.

But I didn't leave.

I stayed- even when he would scream at me to get the hell out of his room- I stayed.

My mom had stayed even though my dad had to go back to Washington, d.c., but she left a week before he was released.

We had gone into the hallway to talk after Harry had gotten angry with the nurses over the fact that he wasn't healing as fast as he wanted to.

She told me it would be best if she went home.

"Honey, it's not that I don't want to be here. I do. But Harry doesn't like other people seeing him suffer, that's obvious. I think it will be better for him if he doesn't have me watching him struggle. He knows you and trusts you the most, he needs someone he can trust to be there for him and help him. I don't want to stop him from making progress."

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