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happy update!

i know the updates have been slower, but i'm back at school now so updates are going to be about once a week now instead of two to three times a week

anyways, i hope you enjoy the update!

(p.s. don't hate me at the end, oh wtf you're going to hate me so i apologise in advance)

It had been two weeks since Mila had been kidnapped by the RR and rescued by Harry.

Harry and I totally abandoned my school so we could stay at the White House with Mila who was recovering.

The burn on her arm had been her only physical injury, and it was mostly healed by now, but the psychological injuries were very much present.

She wanted Harry at all times. She was extremely attached to him. Even when he had to get up so he could go use the restroom or change clothes, she screamed and cried until he came back into the room.

When he was with her she was better.

The first few days she was scared of everything, but Harry had been helping to slowly convince her that she was safe.

Our family was heartbroken.

Gran sat beside Mila's bed a majority of the day just holding her, singing her lullabies, and loving her.

My mom and Aunt Lisa were still very shaken up by what happened, and it was a struggle for my mom to even be in the room without bursting into tears.

My father was very much involved in the investigation. In the middle of all of his presidential duties, he was discussing with the investigators what they knew.

He would find times throughout the day to come visit Mila and often brought her some kind of dessert that he had taken from the kitchen.

Jamie was just as heartbroken as the rest of us, and had come for a few days but due to his football scholarship, he could only miss a certain amount of days so he had to go back, but that didn't stop him from calling every hour and texting me all through the day to get more news.

I had been the one Harry had called a loose cannon.

Some days I would cry my eyes out, other days I would scream and yell till my voice gave out because I wanted those people to pay for what they did.

Harry did what he called an "attitude check" every time I wanted to come in the room, and made sure I was in a good mood when I came in as to not make Mila upset.

The little girl spent most of her time playing games and drawing, and the psychologist came to check on her everyday as well, to see how she was improving.

Eventually, Harry and I would have to go back to school, but the question was how to do it in a way that wouldn't upset Mila.

My Gran came up with an idea.

She put one of Harry's shirts on a teddy bear, he sprayed some on his cologne on it so it smelled like him, and gave it to Mila. This seemed to do the trick.

Mila hugged that teddy bear to her all day long, and the day we got back to campus my mom called to say the bear was working, and Mila hadn't cried for Harry yet.

Our first night in, Harry and I got into his bed and he sighed as he laid down, setting his phone and pager on his nightstand.

"You okay?" I asked him.

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