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happy update!

(some people think when i saw that it means the chapter is going to be happy but it's more of a greeting like "happy birthday" or "merry christmas" lol)

sorry this update is a few days late, but i've had a lot going on

anyways, i hope you enjoy the chapter!

Harry and I continued to awkwardly stare at our feet, hoping the other would speak up first when Niall cleared his throat.

"Okay, if you could just tell me why you came in, that would be helpful." Niall said. "Was it a fight? Are you having trouble communicating? What is it?"

"There was an argument... in a way. But it was mostly one sided." I said and Harry exhaled loudly through his nose.

"So who was the one who got upset?" Niall asked and I glanced up at Harry who looked away.

"He got upset because of the information that was leaked, about he and I dating while he was my bodyguard and that my dad fired him. And he took out his frustrations on me."

"How did he take it out on you?"

"He screamed at me and told me it was my fault, and that I should stay out of his private life. And then his fist kind of hit the wall next to my face."

Niall's eyes went a little wide as he nodded.

"I apologised for that." Harry said through his teeth.

"I know you did, but just because you apologised doesn't mean it didn't happen." I looked at him.

"Harry, i'll have you tell your side in a minute." Niall said to him. "But Emma, I want to know what went through your mind when that happened."

"I was scared." I said honestly. "He was so angry at me and I didn't know what he would do."

Niall nodded.

"Now Harry, do you want to tell your side of the story?"

Harry sighed.

"I was upset about the articles because that's career ruining material in there. I thought that I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore but now I have to again. It makes me look bad."

"But why were you mad at Emma?"

"I don't know. She was there, and she's the one who convinced me that we should go public...she was just there."

"So in your mind, it was her fault?"

Harry slowly nodded.

"But I know that it wasn't her fault." He said. "She didn't release the information, my adoptive dad did, and I also wanted to go public, I agreed to that, so it's not her fault. And I told her I was sorry for not only blaming her but also for scaring her."

"Harry I know anger has been a problem for you before, but you said in one of our previous sessions that it had mostly gone away, so what do you think triggered this response."

Harry shrugged.

"Can I make a suggestion?" I asked and Niall nodded. "I think it's his adoptive father. I think that relationship is so volatile, and he took what he wanted to take out on his dad- on me."

"That's ridiculous." Harry scoffed.

"No it's not." I shot back at him.

"Okay, calm down." Niall said. "Harry, have you ever tried talking with him?"

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