Stop Crying Your Heart Out

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By the time I actually got to the cafe where I was meeting Lukas' parents I was fifteen minutes early thanks to Scott's deadly driving. Everyone seemed to get a buzz out of driving like an idiot nowadays and I really didn't see the attraction, we had sky dives and bungee jumps for thrill seekers, we didn't need them on the road too.  

I couldn't see Lukas anywhere, I hoped to god I was in the right cafe. There were a couple of people already in here, and they looked like they would be from the same generation as Lukas' parents. Obviously I had me his mother before and thought she was a very kind and beautiful woman, even though I didn't like nurses she was still okay. I sat there for twenty minutes before I pulled out my phone expecting to see a text alert explaining why they were late... Nothing.  

I put my phone away, not wanting to text him to ask in case he thought I was badgering him, I also didn't want to come across as rude to his father who I hadn't even met yet. I twiddled my thumbs as I sat there alone feeling rather foolish. I sighed feeling stupid as the third set of people left after having their cup of coffee, I was still sitting their like the dutiful best friend. How bad would it look if they turned up and I wasn't there?.... But when your half an hour late without telling me wouldn't they be the rude ones for not contacting me? 

I checked my phone again and three quarters of an hour had passed making them exactly half an hour late as I had been their fifteen minutes early.  

I made a pffft sound with my mouth and leaned on my elbow. The waitress had scanned me a few times before approaching me, she had a desirable figure, curves in all the right places if you know what I mean, but she wasn't exactly pretty. She had a big nose, flat squinting eyes and thin pursed lips; although she had womanly hands which contradicted her manly face and walk which reminded me of something from a cave man video.  

"I hope you don't mind me saying miss, but I don't think he's coming" I looked at the empty table and then back up at the waitress feeling annoyed that she was relating me like I had been stood up by some boy I really liked, okay so that is what happened, but how could she know that for sure; she was making assumptions and being rude.  

"I've actually been waiting for you to do your job and come and take my order" It was harsh but as far as she knew it was entirely true. She looked sheepish and pissed I had outsmarted her, pulling out her little notebook that she had to write the orders on, I looked at the pad before adding. 

"I would actually rather go somewhere else seeing as you've been wasting my time" I squeaked the chair deliberately humiliating her and making a show of my exit. I grabbed my bag and pulled my jacket over my shoulder flouncing past her and out of the cafe. I felt ridiculous for doing that and making such a public show, I also felt guilty, she'd get in trouble with her boss for that and I would be to blame. 

This was all Lukas' fault, if only he'd have text me or told me he couldn't make it, I would have been fine with it but I didn't like all this secrecy shit, he kept to himself all the time.  

Still no texts... I grimaced and threw my phone back into my pocket feeling like crap, I'd been stood up and insulted and argued with one of my best friends all I the same day and I had no inclination to go and talk to about it. Courtney had gone on holiday to France for the week and I didn't if feel like trying this all out and telling her about my dad that way. Even though it would probably not make it easier, I would be too tempted to change the subject and not tell her at all. 

I walked aimlessly around the shopping complex feeling annoyed, I also now had no way of getting home because Lukas had promised me a lift home, typical boy. I walked past the shop where Riley had bought my prom dress and saw on the outside the words 'hiring now'. Pah, what did I has to lose? I walked in and felt enveloped by the darkness and lack of lighting, and the musty smell that reminded me of old books and vintage clothes.  

"Hello dear" The old lady greeted me with a chubby faced smile, like I was some kind of old friend rather than some girl who had made a scene in her dress shop. She was giving me a sweet and knowing look.  

"I'm guessing it didn't work out with blondie then?" she must have got it from the weary look I was giving the ground where Riley would have been stood when paying for the dress.  

"You could say that" I chirped feeling a little awkward that this woman had witnessed a domestic between Riley and I and now she was hearing about one.  

"You can tell me all about it deary, my next fitting is at two" I nodded knowing that she would want my company up until two and it was only now half twelve. I smiled at her old lady appearance and ability to listen even when it was things not concerning her.  

After a good discussion where she pretty much begged me to take the job and start on Monday, how could I refuse? She was such a nice old lady, and my dress was from this shop, who knew what goodies I could've in a shop like this? 

I spent most of the day there watching her stitching the back on the dress, watching as she repaired the dresses layer by layer to keep them fresh and smooth from creases. She found me watching her fascinating because she hadn't expected me to want to do everything just as well as she did. I only had to work two nights and the extra work was helpful because I needed spending money for America in a week.  

"I'm going to America for two weeks, and I'm leaving next weekend, is that okay?" She gave me a funny look before pulling it into a big smile with bright red cheeks glowing, I laughed at her response. 

"I managed for twenty three years. I'm sure I can manage another two weeks" I spent a couple hours putting all the dresses in order of size while colour co-ordinating them and style co-ordinating them with shortest at the left and longest on the right.  

"Ill pay you for doing that" She said dreamily as I started dusting, she was looking at the shop as thought I had turned it into some work of art. 

"You don't have too" I didn't want her losing out e aide I'd done her work for the day, I felt like I was stealing from the elderly of something.

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