Makes something silent

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'Now she lost her way
And she forgets to smile
Never gets a break
From this life in denial.'



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It had been weeks, Niklaus hadn't come back after a trip. Hermione didn't know what to do, why hadn't she asked his number so she could at least call him when things like this are happening.

A small part of her missed him, maybe it wasn't him exactly. But the presence of someone who wasn't compelled to be kind to her, she couldn't even go for a walk outside. And nightmares filled with Bellatrix haunted her, she hadn't eaten in days. Not because she didn't want to, her body just didn't accept it.

She was weak and she hated it, laying on the couch reading a book. Even though she couldn't concentrate on reading, with compelled vampire guards watching over her every move. They were more concerned about Niklaus's reaction when he saw her then about her health.

Not to mention the small visitor she had been attacked by. She easily defended herself, but it made her feel even less safe than before.

She was walking around the house, not noticing anything. Like, her body was alive but her soul wasn't anymore. Congratulations Bellatrix, you officially destroyed me...

She sunk to the ground, her legs not handling it. A tear rolling down her cheek, hitting the floor.

'I'm home!' She heard Niklaus yell somewhere in the distance.

He walked in and saw Hermione on the floor, like a broken doll. He rushed towards her dropping everything he was busy with and he scooped her up in his arms. She was shaking and crying.

'Shh... shh... shh... What happened?' whispered Niklaus. Carrying her back to the couch and placing her gently.

As soon as he was sure she laid comfortably he pinned the vampire bodyguard against the wall, 'Why did you not inform me!? What is happening to her!?'

The vampire quivered in fear, 'She... is... n... not... c... b... being An...nd she had n... nightm... mares. She... d.d.d.d didn't eat...'

Klaus snapped his neck and his limp body hit the ground, he glanced at Hermione before rushing to the kitchen. Quickly he made some French toast and vamp sped towards Hermione, 'Come on, eat something love.'

Slowly Hermione ate the food and Niklaus sighed out of relief, 'You scared me love.'

Hermione smiled sheepishly her voice was harsh, 'Do I look that bad?'

Niklaus began chuckling, not genuinely happy yet. He was way to worried about her.
'Why are you having nightmares?' asked Niklaus.

'Why are you having nightmares?' asked Niklaus

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'I usually get them... When I'm alone. Past memories catching up on me,' Hermione answered.

Niklaus nodded, understanding what she meant. He lifted her and brought her to bed, saying goodnight and leaving the room.


Elena, Stefan and Damon sat around the dining table and honestly Damon was getting tired of it.

'So what!? Yes there are killings, yes it's remarkable. But why would he bring Hermione with him!?' Damon exclaimed.

Elena send him a death glare, 'I don't care whether he brings Hermione with him or not, at least you can confront him.' Stefan shook his head, 'No Elena, he's the original hybrid. We can't just confront him about it, he'll rip out or hearts.'

Elena sighed, she just wanted her sister back. Jeremy came walking down the stairs, 'Good morning everyone.'

His eyes laid on the newspapers they had surrounded themselves with, 'Seriously? You're still doing this?'

Elena was confused, to say the least. 'How can you not care?! He could be torturing her.'

Jeremy let out a laugh and realised to late how weird that may have sounded, but he couldn't help it. Hermione was smart and dangerous, you don't want to mess with her. She wasn't in school anymore so she could use her magic whenever she wants.

Jeremy shot Elena a look, 'Elena, I get that you're worried. But please just trust me on this, Hermione can take care of herself easily. And you're just angering Klaus with this.'

That's when something clicked in Damon's head, 'What do you know?'

Jeremy shrugged, 'Enough.'

In no time Jeremy was pinned against the wall and compelled by Damon, 'What do you know?'

Jeremy chuckled, 'You want to know everything I know? I can speak English fluently, I know a car is a car. Fire is hot, just like the sun. Come on dick, I'm on vervain.'

Damon was angered, he dropped Jeremy and crushed a chair against the wall. Elena watched in shock, but not yet convinced. Her sister was in the claws of an original hybrid after all.

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