Killing curse

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'I've been running through the jungle
I've been running with the wolves
To get to you, to get you'



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Hermione was just sitting in the living room eating some cereal, terribly missing Niklaus's French toast and Kreacher's lasagna. She wasn't much of a cook herself, sure she wasn't as bad as Elena. She'd burn water, which isn't possible by the way. Many people use it to describe how bad they're at cooking, but water can only can become condense. No, Hermione could make the basics things and anything with a recipe. But it'd never be as good as Kreacher's or Niklaus's food.

That was when she heard someone knocking on the door, it was Bonnie.

'Hey, what's wrong?'

Bonnie hesitated, 'I needed to talk to someone and we were really close before you left. I just... I need someone, you were the first to pop up.'

Hermione stepped aside letting her in, immediately using occlumency to protect her from being read. They walked to the living room and sat down.

'So... Esther came to ask me and my mom if we would help her,' Bonnie started.

Hermione was alarmed by the name of the Original witch, 'With what?'

Bonnie looked down at her hands, 'I know you like the Mikealsons, but they ruined our lives... Esther is planning on killing them.'

Hermione froze, time seemed to stand still and an empty feeling filled her chest. 'No...'

'I can't help it, I don't have a choice. If I could do something I would...'

Hermione looked at her hands, 'You wouldn't.'

Bonnie stared at her, 'Of course I would! I can see the way you and Klaus look at each other! Yes I hate vampires, but being honest. They haven't killed anyone of us yet, even though they did kill Elena and Jenna. But they came back. Damon killed Vicky and he snapped Jeremy's neck, Stefan killed Dana and Chad.'

Hermione looked up, 'Thank you.'

'No problem.'

Hermione sighed, 'I am going to help them now.'

Bonnie raised her eyebrows, but didn't comment and after a few goodbyes she left. Leaving Hermione, who immediately apparated to the Mikaelson mansion. She rang the bell and it was opened by Elijah, who let her in. Luckily everyone except for Finn and Esther were in the living room.

'Rebekah, could Finn in any possible way hear us right now?' she asked Rebekah.
Rebekah shook her head, curious what the girl was doing here.

'Alright, I'm going to need your trust. Lots of trust... but your mother and Finn are conspiring against you. They're going to try and kill you.'

'What!?' Kol exclaimed.

Hermione looked at him, 'They've linked you with Elena's blood, so if Esther kills Finn. All of you will die.'

She could feel the rage coming from the vampires, 'But, I need you to trust me. Don't do anything. Don't act on it, I will protect you.'

Elijah raised his eyebrow, 'I barely know you, besides... Why are you only telling this now? How do we know you aren't on the side of your sister?'

Niklaus answered before Hermione had the chance, 'She won't betray us. At the party the first thing she said after I told her my mother was back was not to trust her. She said that it didn't make sense to her and that she'd let me judge her myself. But she gave me the advice...'

Rebekah shrugged, 'That doesn't even matter! She's a human, she can't possibly protect us!'

Kol nodded, agreeing just like Elijah did. Niklaus was in doubt, he trusted Hermione. But she was human, although she did know lots of things humans aren't supposed to know. She knew his blood was the cure for a werewolf bite, only he and his siblings knew that.

'You can't seriously believe her! No offense Hermione, but you can't protect us,' Rebekah exclaimed.

'You're acting like a fool Rebekah, we haven't even listened to her plan!' Niklaus bit back.
But Hermione wasn't sure if she could tell them so she kept it in the dark, 'I think your siblings are right Niklaus. No human can protect you and them.'

But unlike Rebekah who had a smug smile, Elijah and Niklaus both caught the subtle hint she was giving. Hermione glanced at Niklaus.

'I am telling you to trust me. Last time I told you my advice I told you not to listen to it, that was a grave mistake. So now I'm telling you you should listen to it.'

Niklaus looked down, he trusted her. Of course he did, but could he put the lives of him and his family in her hands? Yes. He should. She subtly hinted she wasn't human and he trusted her.

'I trust you,' Niklaus told her.

She smiled brightly as Kol gawked at the idiocy of his brother, who out of sudden he'd forgotten the fact he had trust issues. Elijah immediately understood his brother liked the girl, but he wasn't sure whether he could trust her. Rebekah stared at the affection his brother normally kept hidden, but she liked Hermione. She had always patiently listened to her rants about fashion and her brothers.

'Fine! Fine... I will trust you.,' Rebekah sighed.

And the smile on Hermione's face was worth it, 'I won't disappoint you. I promise.'
Kol scoffed, 'You better.'

Hermione was about to leave when Niklaus grabbed her arm, 'You'll tell me, right?'

Hermione knew he had figured out she wasn't human and nodded, 'Yes I will, I'll tell everyone.'

Niklaus wondered for a second, 'Is there someone in Mystic Falls who does know?'

'Yes, Jeremy knows everything.'

Kol straightened, 'Why Jeremy, but not Elena?'

Hermione hesitated, 'When I got adopted Elena had been distant, Jeremy on the other hand treated me like his best friend. Of course Elena and I bonded and became closer, but never as close as me and Jeremy. Not to mention the fact that Elena would tell Bonnie and Caroline immediately. And Caroline can't keep her mouth shut.'

They all nodded in understanding, but Hermione continued.

'I wanted to tell her badly, so I did a test. I told her I had a crush on Tyler.' Niklaus growled. 'Which wasn't true, it was a lie to test her. In no time the entire town knew, she had probably told Caroline. And Caroline loves to gossip. The worst thing was that Tyler thought it was true and made fun of it. He was an asshole, I'd never fall for him.'

Elijah didn't even trust himself enough to talk, desperately wanting to say: Well with my brother you're not doing much better. But he knew it was to early, maybe when they were a couple.

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