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'I've been sleepless at night
'Cause I don't know how I feel
I've been waiting on you
Just to say something new.'



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Elena and Jeremy had went to school, leaving Hermione alone for today. Not even Rebekah was home, Damon was gone and Stefan luckily too. So she was alone and had the entire Salvatore boarding house for herself, she began exploring a bit. And had finally found the books, so she settled herself. Not on the couch, since she could still see the blood Stefan had failed to clean up. Instead she sat at the dining table, not risking coming near the living room.

When she looked at the clock she saw it was already one o'clock. She checked her phone and had been spammed by Jeremy and Elena.

From Jeremy:

-Elena's going crazy with sports @ the moment.

-Bonnie hates me, because I have contact with Anna.

-Hermione help! Matt is trying to resurrect Vicky!

-Idk what to do! Help!

-How could Vicky come back? What price will we have to pay? This isn't right?

-Do you know anything about this?

Crap, this could endanger the thin line between this and the other side...

From Elena:

-Be there @ the bbq.

-& take that gun you used on that hybrid with you.

-You will come Hermione!

-I need you to distract Rebekah

Hermione replied immediately.

Sorry, not risking my friendship with Bekah. I will be there, but I'm not goin to distract her. I can talk to her, but no distracting. Ask Damon. He'll be delighted.

Hermione sighed, what the hell were they planning this time? Are they going to kill everyone who's not on their list of 'goodie two shoe'? And Jeremy... She had no idea of spells for spirit witches. They were totally different from her spells. But Bonnie would be able to figure it out for sure, in a grimoire are a lot of spells.

She went upstairs and showered, she put on a bright red dress and lipstick. She pulled her hair up, it looked pretty good. So she went with it. She made some food and realized the time had passed by quickly.

She took the car she had bought not long after the war and she drove to the barbecue, to see Elena looking jealously at Damon and Rebekah. Which made Hermione slightly confused, but she brushed it away. Remembering she suggested Damon to distract Rebekah, it must've been part of the plan.

Hermione stepped towards Elena, 'What's goin on?'

Elena looked at Hermione, she was ruining their plan. 'Get out of the way.'

That was like a dagger in her heart and she stepped away quickly. And out of sudden Rebekah staked Damon in the stomach, she turned to look at Elena. But she was gone.

'Rebekah! What the hell is going on?'

Rebekah turned towards Hermione, still angry because someone was trying to mess with her.

'Find out yourself, I am not your maid! You can't do anything on your own can you?!'

And now her heart was torn apart, Klaus left her and Elena and Rebekah hated her. Her phone rang and she heard Matt speaking: 'Vicky is trying to kill Elena! Stop her!'

But Elena wasn't here anymore... She was... No. She ran to the car park only to find an exploded car, Elena nowhere to be found. She got her phone out of her bag, Elena please... pick up... pick up...

'Hermione? What the hell do you want?'

A sigh escaped Hermione's lips, 'I thought... I thought... It doesn't matter. I'm just checking up on you.'

And she hung up. She wiped her tears away and took a deep breath, calling Harry.

Speaking with Harry Potter
'Hey Harry...'

What's wrong Hermione? You sound terrible.
'I feel terrible.'

What happened?
'Well... I kinda like this guy and he doesn't like me back. My sister either hates or loves me, my new friend is mad at me and I don't know why. And I want to leave, but I don't want to leave my brother. And it's all a huge mess. And I keep having nightmares and everything is just collapsing.'

Just come already Hermione, your brother will manage. That guy can suck it up just like your friend and your sister. I know they got themselves in a mess too, but this is not your mess. This is theirs. You've got problems enough already Hermione. You can sleep at ours, Ginny would like it if you came to visit.
'When did you and Ginny buy a house!? Why do I not know this?!'

You miss a lot when you move to another country. No seriously, we finally got access for spells to renovate Sirius' house. We decided that it would be fun to do it together and make it livable. You can perfectly help us with our problems.
'So first I have to walk away from other peoples problems to help other other people's problems?'

You don't have to pay water or electricity, not for breakfast, lunch nor dinner. No costs, just someone's help to count on.
'Yeah, alright. I'll come and help you. I need to get out of here.'

See you Hermione.


Hermione went back to the Salvatore boarding house and left three letters, one for Elena, one for Jeremy and one for Rebekah.

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