I got tagged

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So, I've been tagged, let's get this over with.

1. What's your full name?
2. Do you have any hobbies?
3. What's your favorite song?
4. What's your phone's home screen background?
5. Do you have any big dreams?
6. Did you sleep well last night?
7. How many friends do you have?
8. Do you like math?
9. What's your favorite subject?
10. Where are you from?
11. Do you like sport?
12. Are you healthy?
13. How much do you cost?
14. Do you have any favorite singers?
15. Do you have siblings?
16. Can you draw?
17. How many lessons do you have on Monday?
18. Do you have a crush?
19. Are you single or taken?
20. If you had a chance taking home an idol, who would it be?

1. Brechje
(It's not pronounceable in English so everyone can call me Bree)

2. No, I don't. Of course I do, I write, I read and I fangirl.

3. Idk... Maybe "The drug in me is you" or "Little Lion Man"

4. This fantasy drawing I downloaded from Pinterest, a castle made of glass in the mountains.

5. Let's see:
-Get a book published
-Be accepted into Hogwarts
-Meet The Doctor

6. Yeah, I sleep perfectly fine.

7. I don't usually count them ('cuz it's so saddening, no just kidding...) I have amazing friends who support me and I just don't think you need to have lots of friends, they just have to be true friends. But anyways, like those I really trust, 5 or something.

8. No.

9. Art history and history.

10. The Netherlands 🇳🇱

11. No. Well, maybe. Rock climbing is cool. Archery. Maybe self defense.

12. 😂... No...

13. What does that even mean? If it's about how much I'm worth... you'd never be able to afford me hun.

14. Not specifically. I just listen to a lot of different singers.

15. Yeah, a sister. She's two years younger than me and she's very kind. We get along really well.

16. A little.

17. You're making me think about school on my weekend?! I'm not even going to answer this.

18. No. I do have fictional crushes, the characters, not the actors:
-Elijah (TVD/TO)
-Enzo (TVD)
-Killian/Hook (OUAT)
-The Doctor (10)

Oh and my girl crush is definitely the thirteenth Doctor!!

19. Single.

20. Can I take a character? Pretty please? Can I take Elijah?

I hope everyone has gotten to know me a little better, I'm not tagging anyone, I'm sorry. I just don't want to bother anyone with answering. If you don't mind, just comment your answers after every question! I love to get to know you guys too!

Disgrace // Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now