||9- Getting Better||

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As the weekend came to a close, Katalina began to fall into rhythm with how Loki worked.  Perhaps, tense, because of their earlier discussion, but more fluent than not.  He was stable enough that Katalina felt comfortable opening her shop for a day or two—not that she got many customers—and that was what she did on Saturday and then the following Monday. 

By Tuesday, she was overwhelmed with so many online orders that she had to close.  October was right around the corner and calls were coming in left and right. Both from her regulars, as well as teenagers who found her number and wanted to try to get something "spooky" for Halloween. 

Crystals or incense were one things, but when came to spells or charms that weren't protective, the subject got hazy.  Most she declined.  Magic wasn't game.  Neither was playing around with spirits when you did not know what you were doing.  Katalina hated Halloween for that exact reason; because it was a prime time for youths to be messing around with things they shouldn't be.  The few that she did accept, she ensured that they weren't going to be used carelessly.

Now, Katalina sat at the island preparing a mix of essential oils for one of her regulars.  It was simple concoction of lavender and chamomile that could have a significant effect.  Out of everything customers would ask for or order, anxiety and depression remedies were the most in demand.  Though essential oils was not her specialty, she learned and practiced enough over the years to add it to her growing list of skills.

Behind her, Loki shifted between sleeping and reading.  Katalina wanted to give him something to do instead of sitting in silence the few times he was awake. She made the bet that he probably would enjoy reading; with his elegant vocabulary and perceptive eyes. 

That, although, turned out to be quite the struggle.  Kat searched and searched her apartment for reading material but couldn't find anything other her mother's old, medical school books.  Finally, just as she was beginning to think she didn't, in fact, own a single piece of literature, she came across two paperback books, among her father's stuff; an old, tattered copy of Fahrenheit 451 and a volume of collected poetry.

Apparently, she bet correctly, because a day later, Loki was finished with the novel.  He took more time with the poetry.  His eyes would track the words slow, mumbling the words under his breath, and trace his slender fingers over the paper.  He even went as far as marking certain pages by ripping off pieces of a napkin she had left on the coffee table. 

Normally, he only did this when he believed her not to looking, but she had caught him in the act several times.

Katalina didn't know how books on Earth differed to ones he may have read on Asgard but she made a point to make a trip to the library later in the week.  At least then he'd have something to keep him busy.

If she still even had a library card.

On the subject of his injury, Loki's healing was astonishing. He was still weak, of course, but he was already able to start standing up. Kat rarely let him, but she had to allowed it a few times so that Loki wouldn't lose strength in his legs. Even a few days of limited movement could wreck havoc on his muscles.  Katalina had long since scoured her mother's school books and the internet for physical therapy techniques.

Part of her felt she was over thinking it—but the sooner Loki was healed and healthy, the better.

Katalina kept putting off thinking about what she planned to do once Loki was healed.  She couldn't just let him walk off and hope he didn't hurt anyone, but she also didn't think she could stomach contacting authorities if he hadn't done anything.

He had, though, done something.

An act so horrible and awful that it caused so much pain for so many people. 

Regardless of how Katalina handled the situation, he would have to repent for what he did.  His actions could not just be forgotten. Katalina would help him recover but she would not take part in letting his crimes go unpunished.

Whether that punishment be on Earth, or on Asgard.

Part of her wanted it to be on Earth. He needed to see what his actions had caused; not be whisked away to his home to be imprisoned. She didn't know how long he would have been imprisoned on Asgard, but if her father's stories were true, the Asgardians were near immortal. Tossing him in jail for the rest of his life wasn't going to solve any problems other than putting him on the metaphorical back burner to get him out of the way.

He had to live surrounded by the very people he tried to enslave in order to see the damage he'd caused. To see his wrongs himself. Someone else telling him wasn't going to change how he viewed what he'd done—or how he viewed his punishment.

Katalina didn't believe people were inherently evil. She knew that there were outside valuables in someone's life that contributed to how they acted and viewed life—but that didn't mean cruelty or mistreatment was justified.

It just meant people deserved second chances. Sometimes, they weren't strong enough to make the right choice the first time. Or perhaps they just didn't care. But if they were willing to change—to fix their wrongs and amend—they deserved the chance to try.



Hi guys! How are you liking this book so far? This has been a project I've been excited to share for quite awhile.

I apologize for the spread out updates. I had planned to have a more regular posting schedule but I've had a lot going on outside of Wattpad that I have to focus on. Between trying to finish an original story as well as entering my last few month of being a High School senior, my schedule has been sort of jam packed. I'll have a busy summer as well but I don't think that will interfere with my writing too much. I do want to get into a more regular posting schedule again.

Anyway, I hope you guys will bare with me and I hope you are enjoying Something Wicked This Way Comes!

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