Chapter 5

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"I swear you guys..." Astrid exclaimed once she and Oliver were at Sutherland Labs with Cisco and Barry. "...It was as if Caitlin needed me to go with her. I think she is afraid that she can't control herself. I know that she is still in there. We have to help her."

"It was the same thing when I encountered her too." Barry added, "She doesn't want to be alone. She needs us and we're not going to turn our backs on her. No matter what she does."

"Well, you're going to have to come up with a plan to draw her out and capture her. If Astrid's bracelet can dampen her powers, maybe you could make something up for Caitlin, that does the same thing." Oliver told them. "If she wants you guys to join her, maybe she will turn up at tomorrow's ceremony."

"Either she will come in peace or she will make a scene in the middle of the grand re-opening," Astrid said, concerned.
"Regardless, we will be waiting for her." Barry told her, "But don't worry. She won't hurt anyone, while I am there."

"Neither one of us will allow that to happen, Astrid." Oliver confirmed, "You should get an early night. Don't worry about Caitlin, we will get her back. I can give you a ride home." Astrid agreed and so Oliver started to lead her out of the room.

"Astrid," Cisco called out, "Maybe you could say something in your speech tomorrow that will convince Caitlin to come back home."
"I'm going to try. I'll see you guys in the morning." She said as she left.

"I'll get to work on this thing for Caitlin," Cisco told Barry, glumly.
"Don't worry Cisco. We will get her back." Barry replied.

Monday morning brought in a beautiful bout of sunshine, and as the decorators set up for the ceremony, Barry and Oliver watched through the crowds of people for any sign of Caitlin.

"Cisco, any sign of her?" Oliver asked, through his earpiece.
"No, not yet." Cisco leant on the front of a large refrigeration truck. He had borrowed it from a relative to conceal his equipment. He scanned the area, still no Caitlin.

He pulled a silver necklace out of his pocket with a snowflake at the center. It was made from the same materials that he had used for Astrid's bracelet, as well as the handcuffs for CCPD's meta-human criminals. "We will get you back, Caitlin." Cisco said under his breath. He placed the necklace back into his pocket and continued to keep an eye out.

An hour later, the outside gardens of Sutherland Labs had been set up and the crowds began to arrive. On the stage, Central City's mayor gave a speech, as he stood in front of the facility's new sign, which was cloaked in a thick brown curtain.

Oliver stood beside Astrid, out of view near the stage, waiting for her name to be called.
"Still no sign of her, yet." They heard Barry report.
"Thanks Barry. No sign of her here either." Oliver replied. He then smiled at Astrid, "are you ready to go up there?"

Astrid smiled, "I hate public speaking. I just hope it will bring her back to us." She told him.
"Astrid, I have faith that you will bring Caitlin back to us..." Cisco told her through his earpiece, "You were born to command a crowd, so don't doubt yourself."
Oliver, who had overheard him smiled. "His words, exactly." He said.

Astrid heard the mayor say her name, and so Oliver escorted her on to the stage and sat on the seats provided behind her, along with some other members of the council.

As her microphone was readied, Astrid glanced at the prepared notes before her. She shook her head slightly and scanned the crowd for any sign of Caitlin. She was not going to read from the notes. She needed to improvise.

As the roaring crowd died down, Astrid began. "Good morning Central City. I want to thank you all for coming out here today. I know that many of you remember when my father stood here before you all, when I was a young child. When he first welcomed you to the opening of Sutherland Labs...Well unfortunately, my father is no longer with us today. But fear not! His legacy has lived on..."

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