Chapter 8

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Astrid, Cisco, Martin and Ronnie met Barry back at STAR labs.
"Cisco, you need to explain this vision to me one more time." Astrid told him calmly. "I think that you might be experiencing some sort of mental breakdown in relation to Caitlin's disappearance."

"Astrid, No, I'm not!" Cisco told her, quite hurt by the notion. "I have been receiving these visions since the meteor shower, but I just didn't know what to make of them until now. Last night I saw her too and I told Barry about it."

Barry agreed with him, "that's true. But you're saying that Eddie is responsible for Caitlin's disappearance. You're also saying that Eddie has the same power as me. I'm pretty certain that if he did, we would know by now. He and I have been really bonding lately. Cisco, he is..."

"Yeah! He is your brother. I get that! The entire notion that Eddie has been watching Caitlin, that he is a speedster and took her into some orb of light to not be found again is ridiculous... but I assure you, I saw it! No, more than that. It's as if I was right there." Cisco explained to his friends.

Martin who had remained quiet this entire time had been sifting through all the information given and it dawned on him. "Is it at all possible that the reason we cannot find Caitlin is because she is no longer here on our Earth? Cisco, can you tell me more about this orb of light that you saw?" he asked.

"I think that Eddie might have generated that much energy that he created this orb while running... It was made of pure energy." Cisco explained.

A smile spread across Dr Stein's face. He ran over to Caitlin's whiteboard and erased everything that had been on there previously. He took a marker and began rambling and scribbling away, leaving the group baffled.

"Years ago, I wrote a thesis, the subject being on the multiverse and the possibility of alternate worlds. Science has never been able to prove or even disprove the notion that there could be another you and another me, living an entirely separate life from the one we live here. This theory would allow for not just one separate world, but an infinite amount and in some cases even the merging of some of these worlds entirely. But maybe it is as you say, Cisco, that the energy caused by the velocity of this speedster has generated some sort of portal, if you will, to enter one of these alternate worlds... Where we will find our dear Caitlin." Martin finished speaking as he finished scribbling.

Astrid, Ronnie and Barry were baffled, though the only one who knew what he was talking about was Cisco.

Barry spoke up, "So, what you are saying, is that Caitlin is not even in our own dimension..."

"That is entirely what I am saying, Barry... Which has me thinking if you can run at a speed that is just as fast as Eddie. Maybe you can do the same thing and run at the exact velocity that will generate a portal leading to our beloved Miss Snow." Dr Stein replied.

"I'm sorry... what?" Astrid asked trying to make sense of everything that was being said, though she didn't give anyone the time to respond. "But if what you say is correct, how would we know what alternate world she is in? You said yourself that there could be an infinite amount, what if we stumbled on an entirely different one... It could be worse... what if we could never make it back to our own world. The risks of such a task are just so high."

"That my dear, Astrid..." Martin replied, "... is where we must confront Detective Eddie Thawne and get the truth out of him."

"But what if Eddie didn't do it?" Barry asked, "Not only are we risking blaming someone who could be entirely innocent, but we are also risking him finding out my secret."

"I agree with Barry." Astrid told them, "I want Caitlin back as much as anyone. But we can't blame an innocent man. Remember he is a police officer as well as Barry's brother."

"Well, what then?" Cisco argued, "I know what I saw. We can't just let him get away with it. Please. We don't know where Caitlin is. We need to get her back!"

Barry finally gave in, "Ok. We will talk to Eddie. But we need to do it my way. I'll call Joe. We're going to need his help."

Barry called Joe and explained to him the vision that Cisco had received, "Barry, I might not like Eddie at the moment, but I don't think that he would kidnap Caitlin. Even if she is the prime suspect of our current investigation. Not to mention, he is dating Iris.... And he is your brother. Could you really believe that he would be capable of doing such a thing?" Joe asked.

"I know that it sounds ridiculous. But I believe Cisco. It's not the first time he has had one of these visions, and he isn't one to lie. Please, Joe. It's the only lead we have to find her." Barry pleaded.

"Ok, Bar. If you think this could help. Bring Astrid and Cisco over to the house. I'll arrange for Eddie to come round. And Barry? You owe me one!" Joe and Barry ended their call.

Barry, Cisco and Astrid headed over to Barry's house where they found Joe pacing anxiously in the living room. "Iris is working late tonight," he told them, "so let's clear this matter up for good. If the three of you are right, and Eddie has taken Caitlin, you will have my full support. But if he hasn't. I don't know what we are going to do."

"Joe. I promise you, I won't let things get out of hand." Astrid told him, she gave Cisco a look, warning him to keep a level head.

"Ok, Astrid. You're the psychologist. I'm going to trust that you know what you are doing." Joe replied.

Eddie arrived not long after and noticed Joe in an anxious state. "Hi, Joe. I'm glad we can finally talk things over about me and Iris." He walked through the door and saw that the two of them were not alone, but accompanied by Barry, Cisco and Astrid.

"Ok, I understand that Astrid is here as she is trained in mediation, but why are Barry and Cisco?" Eddie asked.

"Um, Eddie. This matter isn't regarding Iris," Joe told him, "would you mind sitting down for a moment?"
Eddie sat down in the arm chair with the rest of the group, but Joe remained standing.
"Eddie," Joe began, "Where were you last night? Just after the crime at the bar on Northpoint?"
"I was with Iris? Why?" Eddie asked, baffled.
"Where were you and Iris?" Cisco questioned him.

"Cisco!" Astrid whispered at him. She focused on Eddie's mind to pull a few images. She saw him at a café on Northpoint, with Iris.

"Joe, what is going on, here? I was at one of the café's near Amarasia Oasis. I didn't commit the crime at the bar. Barry, did you retrieve that DNA? I wasn't there." Eddie told them, anxiously.

"Eddie, this isn't about the crime that happened at the bar," Joe told him, "A young girl went missing after the time of the crime."

"... and what? You think that I took her? Joe? This is ridiculous! Call Iris. She and I were at the Café from 8, until 9 and then we..." Eddie was pleading his case.

"...Eddie, you're a speedster! You could have taken Caitlin and been back again within a heartbeat." Cisco shot at him.

"Cisco!" Astrid snapped loudly at her friend, "Eddie didn't do it! I know you're worried but he didn't!" She had managed to retrieve the right memories for Eddie's mind at the right time. Eddie was indeed innocent.

"Barry, how can you let your friend blame me for taking this girl!" Eddie had directed his anger towards Barry now. "Just because I told you about my parents... the ones who adopted me, you have put me into the same category as them."

"Eddie? Eddie!" Barry called out. Eddie left through the door and slammed it behind him.
"I'll go after him." Barry said.

"If it is Eddie, he could be using his speed power right now..." Cisco called out after Barry.

"Well, that didn't go down well." Joe told them.
"I'm sorry, Joe." Astrid apologized. "I'll take Cisco home. I don't think he is handling Caitlin's disappearance very well. I'm sorry for the trouble." Joe accepted her apology and walked them both to the door.

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