Chapter 9

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Astrid drove Cisco to his apartment and they both sat in silence. She believed that he had the vision and she believed that the visions that he had experienced in the past, had merit. But she could not believe that Eddie had abducted Caitlin, after having read Eddie's mind.

"You shouldn't have yelled at him like that." She told him, after a while, "Maybe Barry and I shouldn't have brought you with us to question him, in the first place. I think it was a mistake."

"I'm already beating myself up enough already. Can we just drop it?" he asked her.
"I'm sorry Cisco. I'm worried about her too. I have been beating myself up at the fact that I should have gone with her, instead of staying at the restaurant. I could have at least stopped her from being kidnapped. I haven't told anyone this, but as she left, I read her mind. Caitlin was still in there. But she is struggling with this Killer Frost persona. I'm scared that my decision of not going with her was the worst thing that I could have done and just maybe... maybe it's my fault..."

Cisco ran a hand through her hair, "It's not your fault. Don't ever think that. The guy was a speedster. You have seen Barry in action, he could travel the world in the blink of an eye. This guy travelled faster than Barry ever could he even created a portal. You couldn't stop him from taking Caitlin."

"Ok, maybe I couldn't have stopped him from taking her. But I could have scanned the area. I could have read their mind and figured it out, before they..." Astrid was rambling and a tear formed and trickled down her cheek. Cisco wiped it from her cheek, and in one swift moment he kissed her, throwing her off guard.

She moved back and looked at him, puzzled. "Cisco, what are you doing? I'm with Oliver. You know that."

Cisco felt embarrassed. "I'm sorry. You were just upset and... I don't know. I was just trying to throw you off guard. You know, to make you laugh."

"Yep, not the way to do it Cisco. You know me better than that. I'll let it slide, for everything that we are going through, with Caitlin right now. But please, don't do it again." She told him.

Cisco felt his world crumble for a moment. But he wouldn't admit it to her. He wished that he could be someone else and not just her dorky bestfriend. Then a thought crossed his mind.

"What if the guy who took Caitlin had one of those gadgets that that girl had. You know the one we mistaken for Caitlin? I had a small look at it and it was like nothing that I have ever seen before. Maybe this guy pretended to be Eddie to take Caitlin. What if he was from this other world and he has been watching us, waiting for the perfect time to take her." Cisco was trying to figure it all out.

"But why would he want her? He would have to have some plan? We barely knew that Caitlin was having these issues with her powers until it was too late. What would they hope to gain?" Astrid asked him.

"I'm not sure. He must have known the precise time to strike. What if he is from the future?" Cisco asked, making Astrid laugh.

"There you go. Mood lightened. I think you have been watching too many movies, Cisco." Astrid told him. "But at least you made me laugh."

"No, I'm serious. Dr Stein told us about their being alternate worlds. What if this guy is from the future? If this speedster can travel into different dimensions, who's to say he can't time travel?" He replied.

"Cisco, if that is true... We have barely scratched the surface of Barry's powers. Imagine what that means. Think about the things that Barry could be capable of! We need to speak with him about this immediately." Astrid decided.

Barry followed Eddie to Jitters, where he met Iris. And just as he had expected, Eddie travelled as any regular person would, by car and not super speed.

The minute Eddie saw Iris, he kissed her. Which as it always did, made Barry die a little inside. Nonetheless, he mustered up the courage to follow Eddie inside and to apologize.

"Eddie, I came here to apologize on Cisco's behalf. The girl that has gone missing is a good friend of ours and there was a person who told us that they witnessed someone who looked like you taking her." Barry told him, pleading for forgiveness.

"Barry, what is going on?" Iris asked, looking from him to Eddie.
"Barry, his friends and your father called me to your house to interrogate me over a crime that I didn't commit." Eddie told her.
"Barry!" Iris raised her voice at him. "What is going on? What crime?"

Barry explained everything to Iris, which as he had expected, lead to both Iris and Eddie being angry at him. "Barry, how could you do that?" They both asked him.
"Barry, all your life you have wanted a brother, and now that you have one, he is the first person you suspect of doing something horribly wrong!" Iris snapped at him, "Just leave us alone." She finished.

Barry left Jitters, collected his red suit from STAR Labs and sped through the city looking for crimes to stop. Tonight was an unusually quiet night, until he came towards a clearing in the park. There was a girl lying in the middle of the grass. She was unconscious and he recognized her instantly.

"Oh my god, Caitlin!" Her hair was still white and her skin was still pale. He knelt down beside her and from in his pocket, he felt his phone ringing. He answered it to find that it was Cisco to tell him to meet he an Astrid at STAR Labs.

"Cisco, can the two of you meet me at Westside Park, instead? I've found Caitlin. Bring the necklace!" as Barry ended the call. He brushed a lock of her hair from her face. But as he did so, she grabbed at his hand, letting it grow cold and turn to ice. Killer Frost had awoken.

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