Chap. 4

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(Cats P.O.V)

" Carter wats wrong with you?" I asked him

"Wats wrong with me? Wats wrong with you?! You leave as soon as u get here and disappear just like people were yelling asking for u and Cameron we had to lie to the fans we looked everywhere for u and Cameron was he with you I can't believe u were so irresponsible this is ur career you are getting pair for this and ur fans I mean why would u do that to them?" He yelled all I could think about was Cameron should I lie?

" I went to the vet this dog was drowning in the pool outside and I was gonna go for a swim and I found it it had no owner so I by law couldn't leave it there alone and my phone died" I mumbled hope he buys it he shook his head

"Bullshit!" He yelled and slammed something walking into the bathroom and slamming the door

"Cat?" U ok wat happen?" Matt and mahogany asked me

" we literally looked everywhere with u were u with Cameron just tell us we won't get mad we were just worried "Matt said I slowly nodded mahogany came and hugged me

"We didn't do anything bad we just lost track of time" I mumbled he nodded

"I'm just glad ur ok"Matt said hugging me and going back into my room with me

"I saw u guys kissing"mahogany blurted as soon as we got in there I shook my head

"why didn't you call us!" I semi yelled

"Cuz u guys looked so cute I mean come on one show didn't matter"she mumbled I smiled

"Did u get a picture?" I asked smiling she nodded

"Yea"she mumbled I smiled she took her phone out and and showed me it it homestly looked perfect

"Send it to me that looks amazing" I said she smiled and sent it to me I waited and waited but never got it

"Did it get delievered yet?" I asked her she smiled and nodded I checked my phone I still haven't gotton it

" um I still don't have it" I mumbled drying my hair she walked over to me

"Let me see your phone" I mumbled I took it and checked my contact number reviewed it carefully and realized that was Carter's number and as if on que he came in

"Mahogany.... Why did u send me a photo of a girl and a boy kissing"he said chuckling she shook her head

"No I didn't send it to u I sent it to..... Nvm can u just delete it wrong person sorry"she said going to grab his phone but he looked at one more time

"It looks like u and Cameron" Carter said I shook my head and then my towel fell off showing my bikini he looked up at me and shook his head

"It was you I got u that swim suit Catherine" he said and that's when I couldn't hold it in and I started crying

"Why would u lie to me Catherine I'm ur brother u miss Magcon to sneak off with a guy you just met and is 2 years older than u that's not even legal for u two little slut u always have to mess shit up don't"he yelled and walked out I can't believe he called me a slut now at this point I was angry too

"Did you really just call her a slut?" Matthew questioned he heard everything oo gosh now wat does he think of me now? I actually liked Matt fuck I messed up this time

"Get some sleep hun it's been a long day"Mahogany suggested I nodded and went into the bathroom I did my night routine and went to sleep

-next day-

I woke up to find a pair of arms rapped around me I turned around and saw it was Carter damn this guy is bipolar I got up and walked to Mahoganys bed hopefully I can just sleep with her I shook her a bit I looked at the time and saw it was 10:30 I went to the bathroom and washed my face with ice cold water and that instantly woke my up I went to my suit case and picked out an outfit

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