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(Katts POV)

I heard a knock on my window and I looked out of it .... It was Calum I quickly opened it

"What are you doing here!"I said almost yelling he gave me a tight hug

"I missed you .... I missed you sooooo much"He said spinning me around a bit I led him outside

"Who let you in?"I asked him he shrugged I was referring to the gate

"The door was open"He mumbled I smiled a bit

"What are you doing here?!"I asked him he smiled

"I kind of found out where you live so I like .... Looked for a house here and now I live near here with 3 other people"He said I hugged him

"You moved here cuz of me?"I asked him he nodded and hugged me again

"I really do miss you"He mumbled I held him tighter

"Same"I said in a low voice

"What do you do here?"Calum asked me I shrugged

"Not much honestly make YouTube videos and shit"I said smiling I then heard a soft knock on the door and Matt walked in with Valley in his hand

"I'm gonna go out ...... Calum?"Matt asked I looked down

"Sorry I didn't know"Matt said about to walk out

"No we weren't doing anything but talking come in"Calum said I sat down still

"Pick you head up princess your tiara is falling"Calum said placing his hand under my chin and bringing it towards his direction I smiled at him and then looked at Matt who was kind of shocked at what he saw he kept looking at me weirdly

"Damn your smooth ... I'm gonna use that one day"Matt said Calum smiled and sat next to me

"She's been down lately I can tell ... Do you want to tell me why?"Calum asked me I looked at Matt and shook my head no

"I just want a shoulder to mope on preferably this one"I mumbled pointing to his left one

"That's ones reserved BUT Anything for you?"He said I smiled getting glossy eyes

"You guys would be so cute together"Matt said smiling I looked at him he looked really good today his hair was down and he has a nice floral shirt on with some high tops all white air forces .... He did look good honesty

"I just wanted to know if you could take care of Valley .... She's falling asleep but I don't want to leave her alone"Matt said I nodded and got up I picked up the puppy who was sleeping but then woke up I put it on one of my pillows on the bottom of the bed he looked at me once again before he walked out

"Is there something going on between you guys?"He asked me I shook my head no and put one of my legs on him

"Calum ....... I get abused here ... And"I said he interrupted me

"How?? Why are you telling me this?"Calum asked me I looked at him shocked

"Why is hitting you?"He asked me ignoring my face expression

"It doesn't matter I just need you right now"I mumbled he laid down and pulled me on him I calmed down a bit I felt as if I was too heavy for him

"Can we lay side to side?"I asked him he nodded

"I want you to know that I .... I will always be here for you"He mumbled as we both ended up falling asleep

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