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(Katts POV)

"Hey"Carter said walking up to me I hugged him back

"What's up I miss you bro"I mumbled he smiled sitting down across from me

"Um nothing much .... Ive been hanging out with Maggie ALOT more Cam and Nash got in a fight .... I'm in the middle of this so they moved out and I did too.... Like for a while I've been wanting to move in with Matt because they have been arguing about everything and nothing Nash is with Jack and Jack Cameron is back with his family for now .... He is actually really close to where u are"Carter said all in 1 minute I nodded

"What started it?"I asked him curiously he shrugged

"A girl"He mumbled I nodded .... I'm not oblivious never have been and never will be .... I know Cameron liked me its really noticeable and Calum I know he does too but I choose to ignore it

"Wow"Was all I could say he nodded

"Is.... Hey Calum!"Carter said waving behind me I didn't dare to turn around but I felt him come up to us he looked at me coldly and then looked at Carter

"What's up Carter? nice seeing u again" Calum said to Carter as they did that handshake thing guys always do

"Hey same man what's cha been up too?"Carter said Calum shrugged

"Music .... I've been into it a lot honesty I've been thinking about dropping college and focusing more on my band"Calum said proudly flashing a smile

"Woah dropping college you're really serious about the music thing how is it going?"Carter asked I took out my phone ... It's gonna be a long day

About 7 minutes later which felt like forever Calum left

"Put your phone down"Carter mumbled I locked it and did so

"I'm soo tired"I said groaning then my phone buzzed

Calum👲 (😂 I AM SOO SORRY I know he isn't Asian I just thought it would be funny) -I'm an ass

Me- yea kinda 😘

Calum-forgive me

Me- only if u forgive me

Calum- I'm so happy u forgave me then want to hang out tonight?


Calum-awesome get back to Carter now he looks pissed off

I looked up I saw Carter he did look pissed I looked around and saw Calum waving at me from outside the window I waved back and then we smiled walking away

"When are you gonna go out with Calum?"He asked me I smiled shaking my head

"Me and Calum would never"I mumbled Carter pushed me a bit

"Let's get get out of here"I mumbled Carter looked around and then got up

"So u planning to spend the night or something like that?"I asked him he nodded

"Yea why?"He asked me I shrugged

"I was gonna hang out with Calum tonight but I can cancel of you want"I mumbled he put his arms around me

"I already told that loser not to hurt you"He said smiling I nodded

-later that night-

"That was a good movie"I mumbled Calum smiling nodding

"Yea"He mumbled he was now holding my hand we sat on the bench right next to the movie I put my legs on his and he took out his phone

"I thought we were gonna go home"Calum said chuckling I shrugged

"I'm always home tho"I said he looked at me in my eyes and then cowardly kissed me I obviously kissed back he the opened his mouth so I slipped my tongue into his mouth and we kept kissing

"KATHERINE REYNOLDS!"I heard someone scream from a distance Calum pulled away and pushed my legs off of his

"Did you take a pic of me and her kissing?"Calum asked the girl nodded

"Your not planning on posting that anywhere?"He asked her She nodded

"If you don't post that I'll follow you!"Calum said quickly she nodded and gave him her Twitter

"Can I get a picture?"This blonde girl asked me I nodded and smiled while a fake red head took the picture

"Calum?! I love u and ur band"She said Calum ackwardly stood there I took a few more pictures then left I got in the car and then Calum drove on the radio and the band Green Day was playing

"I want to show you something but don't run off or snitch when I do"he said I nodded he spilled out this medicine jar (the Orange ones) he pulled out a little white rock

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